If Jim Norton had a child.

0  2016-08-27 by ricswrangler


lol that first baby is a dead ringer for him. And the second one looks like Chip or Ted. Someone tweet those to him.

did you save those specifically for when someone would mention jim norton having a child?

I have an O&A Babies folder. Here's Ant

Jim Norton would never have a child. Any woman who lets the little worm's tiny pecker anywhere near her will first make sure she's been paid handsomely, and second make sure the thing is properly rubbered up, lest the abomination spread his awful genes.

looks just like Tammy Pescatelli.

That baby wouldn't be white

If Jim Norton had a child scientists would be stumped at how one could inseminate a tranny by pooping on her head

Yeah yeah Bonnie's. sister yeah.