Could anyone see these sissy millennials storming the beaches of Normandy? I'm sure they wouldn't want to offend the Nazis.

0  2016-08-27 by Tell_Em_Fred



Nope, but I couldn't see the generation of crybabies who blame everything on millenials doing it either.

80% of German casualties happened against the fucking Soviets.

Normandy was a fucking sideshow.

There's a pretty interesting youtube video that looks at just how many soviets died in WW2. The number of american deaths in the war was a drop in the bucket. Its pretty crazy to think that we'll never have another war like that again because now we can fly a bomb dropping drone in iraq from a conex box in nevada.

I wouldn't of have signed up to take part in a war anyway. Risk my life for some bullshit. Fuck that.

I used to dream of joining the french foreign legion. Thought war and combat would be exciting adventure. Then i read an article about a guy who got his dick shot off in vietnam and how badly it fucked him up psychologically and physically and learned that i would never make that kind of sacrifice for anything, least of all something as dumb as patriotism

I'll need my safe space and a free speech zone if I'm to talk about these alt-right Germans negatively.

I believe we would all be speaking and texting in German.

They'd of not triggered Adolf Hitler with the treaty of versailles


you heard.

The Germans were white so they can't have an opinion hence they can't be offended.