Fawkin home run Bee

4  2016-08-27 by Lil_Teddy_Sheckler


incredible..... the "COMEDY SCENE" of 2016

a fucking fraudulent, cud-chewing herd of PRETEND-REBELLIOUS LOBOTOMIZED, INDOCTRINATED CATTLE

......all cheering wildly; doing each others "act" for one another

Now THAT....is PFG

You form sentences like you should be plugging InfoWars every quarter-hour.

Didn't she get mad at her network for tweeting out a video making fun of Hillary's laugh until they took it down and apologised?

The bias in this election is sickening, especially since Hillary is a blood-drinking Wall Street cunt who literally embodies everything bad about both parties. A war mongering big business shit who is also PC and Progressive.


And these goddamn celebrities act like she's the best. I'll never forget Sarah (((Silverman))) getting mad at the Bernie people at the DNC for being disruptive. Gee, I wonder why they were disruptive.

Fuck these entertainment cunts.

/r/politics is a disgusting propaganda machine for Clinton.

My favourite was when people decided labels are meaningless so namecalling Hillary was stupid, yet it was the same people peddling "Drumpf"...

More recently people who attack Trump for not making real points were jerking off over Hillary saying something like "If you're asking for my medical records, keep dreaming!" as if it was a salient in-depth rebuttal.

I don't even get the "Drumpf" attack. They're supposed to be responding to when Trump called out Jon Stewart for his name change, yet Trump didn't change his last name, his grandfather did! And it was to escape persecution, not to make it easier to get a career in Hollywood.

No, it doesn't make any sense. It's always thrown around by smug assholes who think they're "really sticking to republicans!!!"

Well, for all that it matters, you could post a link of said video here. It'd reach the same amount of people as a fucking... tweet by @TBS would? What kind of retard follows a TV channel. Jesus.


@PattonOswalt. lol.

I'd follow @TBS 20 years ago if crazy Ted Turner still owned it. The account could be taken over by him to go on rants.

So hard to be a liberal comic, right Schumes?

I want trump to win only to imagine all these thin skinned "progressives" throwing a fit on election night.

You know, we complain Anthony hasn't been funny in years. But why should he be if Samantha Bee is held as the comedy standard? I'd phone it in too.

Remember how Opie would always say "call it in" instead of "phone it in"? What a moron

It's nice that in America you let this female speak in public even if she doesn't understand what she is saying. In my country we would not let this happen.

Just out of curiosity, what would be done about it if she said such things in your country. Be detailed.

We bury them up to their head in sand and stone them to death! Allu Akbar!

lmao "Full Frontal"...like a sex thing LMAO thats so creative and original

But don't sexually objectify her! Or else!

Christ, she's the worst kind of hack. Not just a female one, but a cunty liberal shill to boot.

Did she imply that the "1" black Trump supporter is owned by him? What a disgusting racist.

Oy vey! 6 million people following so they know when to pack.

The liberals' insistence that anyone who doesn't think like them is a lunatic white supremacist is infuriating