Opie is really going all out these days

84  2016-08-27 by cbanks420iol


He DM'd that to me this morning but I didn't think he had the balls to actually tweet that.


What the fuck happened to free speech?!


My wife and I share an email so I was a little fucking pissed off when I had to explain why I got an email from the deadbeat Opieradio show with the subject: "ALL NIGARS DED!"

Seems like he's lost it.


Lmao thats our opie

tss tss LessDoggg? I'd rather have MorePussy!!!!!

Dvv dvv dvvvvvv

Less than a month after his tone deaf " #HarambeLivesMatter LOL" tweet that he also deleted. I wonder if anyone will get his back if shit like that gets back to his bosses at Sirius?

Contract negotiations are in the works

If I won Powerball I'd pay a parade of porch monkies to rape cbanks420iol and his mother and grandmother for still thinking this tired joke is funny. Fucking stop it, nobody extra is even coming here anymore you useless kike.


Opie is the only real voice these days.


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So are these tweets working at all?