Samantha Bee judge and jury on 'acceptable' satire: orders TBS to delete Clinton Tweet (Louis CK said SB was next big thing)

10  2016-08-27 by bobomobile


Fucking hate this cunt

We must punch up and not down. Sam Bee gets how comedy works.

I'd like to punch up into her asshole

who the fuck watches TBS?

Seinfeld reruns bro

Big Bang Theory reruns bro!!!!! That show is a knee-slapper!!!! Am I right or am I right!!!???!!!???

Not to defend this bitch, but isn't "delete your account " a reference to Hilary tweeting that to Donald trump after making fun of her? If she was being serious fuck her but i think it might've been a joke

Yeah this seems like a false alarm.

No. The mindset is to censor what you don't like, but do it with the snarky entitlement of a chick talking to the husband who she controls completely. Except she's 1 unattractive woman doing it to the entire male gender with a comedy show and somehow it's actually effective.

Haven't watched anything on TBS, ever since they got rid of Turner Time.

WCW Saturday Night, 6:05 eastern on the Superstation.

Right here on the mothership!

I'm tired and annoyed of these two, I vote to ban any cunt from mentioning either candidate, unless it has to do with Tits, the worm, the fat woman, the woman beater, the coke addict, the house negro and the fat fuck twins.

All in favor...

Which one is Sherrod?

Fuck her for being just another partisan cunt, fuck Louis for pushing her forward, and fuck tbs for folding to her twatish behavior.

How does Louis CK know she has a big thing?

Who cares what he thinks. He's been claimed by the mainstream and hasn't done anything really good going on half a decade now..

Except for all the rapings.

Acceptable satire is failed satire.

"Delete this."

"Never Tweet."

"Hide the opposing opinion."

Not sure about the tweets, but I'd let her give me a Bee (if you catch my drift). ;)




Which one is Sherrod?