I don't like the direction of this sub

42  2016-08-26 by fish_flower

Is it just me or did something change after the whole leslie thing. It feels different here.


Gorillas in the midst.


Its actually guerilla warfare

It's actually "it's".

No shit, stupid.

And I know what you were going for I just wanted to correct you for once =(



It was like a week ago. Just wanted to be pals!

There's always this restlessness where we wonder what's next after a big event. It seems like there's nowhere to go, but then the next thing happens and it's even better than the last.


Die already

Fuck me.

Don't threaten me with a good time.

thers a chill in the air ... i think someones watching us

I always feel like...somebody's watching meeeeeeee....



Things went downhill when Knickers and andycumiashow ran off to elope and caribbeanjimmy framed them for murder.

Its because we were never some alt right hate group or whatever they think we represent. The second the sub was labeled as such it started pretending it was one.

For years we were a sub dedicated to trolling and jocktobering the O&A show and its guests. Somewhere in the past year that's all changed.

I blame women

Everyone turned into Anthony

You fucking nailed it.

Management loves the direction of this sub!

Yeah the sub sucks this week

Lol you think we've been infiltrated?

I don't know, maybe it's just shitpost hour

this always happens when big shit happens in the sub. All the guys who check the sub once a week try to fit in when the jokes been dead for 2-3 days. This time feels like its taking longer to "reset"


Just shitting and posting.


True. I'm getting tired of the shitposts lately.


I'm Muslim

God is great.. He gave us chocolate cake!!

God is great!!!


This only deserves goofy responses but I guess I'll give you a serious one...O&A fans were spoiled by cakestomp. It was hilarious seeing Opie get shit on and have people all over the internet say he should be killed. For some reason that worked, but usually making fun of peoples shortcomings and lack of talent is alot funnier than "making fun" of them for being bad people or whatever. So you can say Joe Cumia steals from charities and commits murders and Opie is a racist or whatever, but its not gonna get a reaction out of anyone and without that its really not funny at all.

True. A lot of times the hate can be funny as hell but when I'm checking this sub daily and for a solid week it's nothing but made up stories trying to get people fired and harrassed by SJW it just gets kinda stale and makes me question what the fuck I'm doing with my life.

trying to get people fired and harrassed by SJW

I think that's it, none of it is clever. Jocktobering is about causing mischief and making fun of people when they're doing things that are gay, not just being straight up mean when they dindu nuthin.

Why are we shitting on Opie for things he didn't do when there's so much we could shit on that he did do

like this: http://imgur.com/xtq3m3T

Plus the guests we had in the days after the LJ pic went online have left. So they're just being shitposters for the same shitdicks who come here all of the time any way.

A few of the Opie posts were funny, most of them were godawful.

God dammit

Scariest gif I have ever seen.

"You say weird shit to people."

I mean shit if we got infiltrated, that's pretty fuckin funny on its own. None of the Leslie shit was funny anyway, I'd be down for witnessing some bizzarro mutiny.

We got famous, that's what's changed. MTV wrote about us. Eventually we'll fade and get back to our roots.

MTV isn't "fame" level. If CNN or Fox reported it I might give the sub credit. But who in the world actually goes to the MTV website to read news stories?

But MTV News...you hear it first?

Only Martha Quinn

We need to get on Week in Rock with Kurt Loder.

Sadly I have to own up to watching season one of The Real World like a cuck

Meh, I think everyone did. If you watched beyond season one though, you're just a faggot.

Three. So laying awake uncomfortably now wondering what that means for me.

its the posts where opie does make believe things

Dare I say... It stinks, and I don't like it.

I don't think it was Leslie. I think it was Knickers leaving. Say what you will about that shitposting homosexual, but his bizarre cries for help got the sub through the days when the boys pulled themselves together.

Hands up who wants to die?

Hands up, who remembers when Popblawo wrote a post here talking about the time his kid saw his babymama getting humped doggystyle at a party by a colored gentleman and asked us for advice?


And what's your point bitch?????

It was a great moment in the sub.

Thanks babe

There's a mole

Yeah, something is different. I got my main account banned for that stupid lesie shit, haven't bothered checking back much.

I've lost track of what is actually happening aa too much seems to be happening right now. October could be glorious.

The feds are hot on opie's trail. I'm worried bout him 😔 😢

If you think something's different it's all in your mind

So leave

see that's such a lady thing to say