This eye contact is fucking disturbing I'm fucking not ok with this

15  2016-08-26 by dolan_the_rapper


He's turning into Edgar

dear god

ME: mY tEEtH aRe dRy

Horrifying. I'm getting a dominant Zelda from Pet Sematary vibe with hints of Henry Kane from Poltergeist 2.

Nigga looks like Stretch Armstrong.

It's like Aphex Twin fucked that one photo from The Machinist. Except much worse dude fucking shit what did you put yourself through making this?

That reminded me the closet scene from The Ring.

At 11 seconds he also stares at the camera right after he says, "The hate online is getting COMPLETELY out of control." And gives this look like, "Seriously, guys, please stop. I can't take this anymore."

At this point Ant & Opie can do a show called Tales from the Crypt and be perfectly cast

That is terrifying!

Im hyperventilating laughing. And what the fuck happened to Opie? its like a demon sucked out his life force.

He's got that succubus look alright. I think he's honestly trying to lose tit weight. He's not fat except for his hooters and it looks like he's "all in" with "the health" right now (starving himself and probably blinking a lot). Also Lyndsi could be poisoning him. It's pretty likely.

Well she can't just kill him with one dose, she'd probably get caught. She also has to milk those golden-breasts of his at least until the contract is up. So a couple ml of anti-freeze a day in his kale-drinks, should be dead by mid-october (just in time to sign the last check from his hospital bed). She actually seems to be timing his death out pretty nicely. Remember, she's probably the brains in the relationship.

She definitely seems like the anti-freeze type. Or face stabbing when he ends up having some blueberry-based poison immunity. Either way shes a fucking saint for apparently not murdering him yet. $50 says Opie accidentally calls her "Mom" on a regular basis


Probably butters his muffins with aviation fuel

he's too proud to get the fat sucked out of them, i don't get it. he has no respect to lose.

It looks like he got his face stretched. Wrinkle free Opster

Another way to copy stern

Just going to the gym and eating better. Earlier that day he was bragging how he lost 20 lbs and wanted people to congratulate him. Totally out of touch. Tom Hanks at the end of 'Philadelphia' looked better than him.

I can't tell what's worse, opie's skeleton look or Kevin Smith calling people 'cats'.


Oh English Jimmy

He looks like every JV basketball coach east of the Mississippi.

That's what I said

he obviously got jimmy's aids

it's probably what tore them apart

He probably read this place and sees how much of a fucking phony he is.

If opie has cancer and dies ill mourn him

This is the sickest thing I've read on this sub, on so many levels

Tit thinks he wont die early if he eats healthy and stays skinny but the stars are aligned against him. He wont make it past 60.

"We all know that guy". Every Jocktober it was you, Ant and Jim. You were all "that guy". And to some extent Erock and Sam. That entire room at some point came to work just to shit on some unsuspecting jock just trying to play some songs and entertain people driving their kids to school. Anthony still does it on twitter.

That's Opie's go-to way to relate. I think it was one of the Vos beatdowns where Bobby says something about a guy he knows lost an arm to a shark and has a fake arm now and Opie says loudly "WE ALL KNOW THAT GUY!" and everyone in the room is clearly thinking "does Opie literally know this guy?" Opie goes on to clarify "We ALL know that guy who just does dumb shit!"

He has zero social skills.


And he knows he's that guy. Jocktobers were always Jim and Ant laughing hard at bad entertainers hosting a show while Opie would just get annoyed and angry and their "hack bits" and "radio voices" and the things he still worries bleed through when he speaks. I don't get how a guy hates his own flaws in other people so much but is incapable of recognizing where that hate comes from and changing those things.

Kevin Smith is unable to shut the fuck up. Dude is standing, in a room full of sitting people. Only thing more infuriating is Vic Henley's ass kissing. And Opie looks like shit.

Oh look another Kevin Smith rant where he won't shut the fuck up and let anyone talk. This should be enjoyable.

I can't stand this self righteous fat boy

Imagine how awful a Kevin Smith and Kurt Metzger podcast would be. Two long winded fags who think every word they shit out is of the utmost importance.

Funny that cocaine and weed created the same monster


" Trump." Ugh. You fucking hack. Who the fuck is that guy anyway?

Ugh...starts off with Opie's ["funny"-voice]: "We all know that guy ;)...(did they hear my funny line?)...We all know that guy ;)". Then Kevin Smith setting up strawmen and repeating his point repeatedly using different, old and tired metaphors. I'm surprised he didn't get around to "Six of one and half-a-dozen of the other...".

This is the most boring drivel i have ever heard. How the fuck does he get paid millions a year to bore the fuck out of people everyday.

1) Enough with those fucking shirts Kevin

2) Don't try to subtly get trolls on-side with your backhanded compliments. Consider the possibility that really you guys are just lucky hacks and normal people will call you out on it online and

3) Opie needs to get his t-cell count checked IMMEDIATELY

I think that Gypsey faggotess - Joe Cumia, gave tits the Stephen King Thinner curse!

Jesus Christ does Kevin smith own any other shirts besides hockey jerseys? He like slash with that stupid hat but with him it's oversized jerseys.

Jorts and slip-on Vans complete his trademark superhero costume. He's Fag-Man.

the movie director guy's shirts are infuriating

Does he have cancer

Shut up Opie

jesus. he looks like scott shannon.

Norton does some eye contact here

Hahaha, what a fag.

Vic Henley slips under the radar yet again.

When Opie says " I'm not gonna lie to ya" sincerely I feel nausia

How do you mean? With Kevin or Opie?

Opie and us. Kevin is just being a normal person looking at the people he's directly talking to. Opie goes from staring at his desk to looking at the camera to talking to the camera. It's just a weird interview from a professional "radio guy".

Im a fan of smith, but another guy in his own world when it comes to this shit. Like his psychobabble about people who are internet trolls is even remotely close to reality.

And his horseshit "go out and be positive and make a mark in life" shit is so hypocritical. Coming from a guy who made his career making dark, mean spirited fucking movies.

How about a combo of tech and "movie/music stars" need to be in the public eye has led to a culture where any average joe can actually reach out and communicate with these people. Can actually be seen and heard. And then there's a lot of assholes out there. And what do assholes do when they are bored at work? Sometimes they take 45 fucking seconds of their day while surfing the net bored out of their minds watching the clock and spur of the moment go and annoy said "star" who they KNOW this shit eats them alive. Could it be that simple??

No. Its much more feasible that everyone is a fat neckbeard angrily typing away in their mom's basements. Since their lives are so sad and all.

what is he talking about? people know us, we are very successful trolls.

How much of a genius does Opie fancy himself for putting twitter handles in YT titles???

I'm sure he gets those kinds of gems when he forks over an embarrassing amount of money to whatever shit-head service he has "managing" his social media outlets.

Bald Opie has really stepped his game up.

You're also clearly not ok with punctuation, you cunt.