Big Amy attacks this sub!

182  2016-08-25 by unclepaul84


I wish this was a joke, but all the big Amy trashings actually made me take a look at myself and hit the gym. I'm down 15 lbs in a little over a month. Thank u Amy, u fat fuckn monster

I've also been losing weight recently and would like to thank the Schuminator. The fat pig whore cunt is certainly an inspiration.

I heard you lost about 80lbs of burden recently, is that correct?


heh heh heh hehhhh PEW! PEW!


Lady Di did the same thing with me and drinking. I used to drink a couple beers practically every night. Now I'm down to maybe 1-2 days a month, if that.

A different kind of "scared straight."

A couple beers everynight is bad?!?! I suppose im really on the fast track to wet brain

Not as bad as Jimmy

I still dont know how he pulled out of that tailspin. Imagine uncontrollably having a sip of beer when you're 17 and then walking past your crush's house with a boom box blasting Sabbath. That man was on a path to self destruction the likes of which not many men have recovered from.

I've just been working out and eating Betta

you spelled butthole wrong


im gay



im gay af

Almost there but it's still a little bomby

A few a night is not bad. 12 a night is bad.

hows 7 or 8? good?

Borderline "You have a problem" territory.

How do you react if you can't drink? That's the real test.

I was just playing dumb tryin to act silly. I have a problem

We all do buddy, we all do


Is that really bad? I also drink that amount on my navy ship and I think it's not that bad...


The scary one was Lady Di's roommate choking on his own blood vomit and dying because of his alcoholism.

Bill died?

Yer kiddin!?!

Yes quite horrifically.

Cool man. I recently lost 95lbs, but that was because my leg was amputated due to diabetes.

We all have our own methods for weight loss

Are you a great big fat person?

I almost just crashed laughing at this

You're driving and on reddit? Too bad you didnt crash and eradicate yourself from the gene pool.

The world could use one less peckah

Are you keeping the weight off?

I've put a couple lbs back on. But if this ingrown toe nail doesn't get right, I might be losing another 95.

How many fats have you had? I'm on my 3rd fat.

I've always been a bigger guy. Have a large frame and worked out/played sports my whole life. Got lazy and went upto 250, so I was the guy with the big arms/chest and fat gut. I'm 6'2" And like to stay around the 215lbs mark.


U didn't enjoy me sharing personal info about my body?

Aroused? Yes. Intrigued? Absolutely. How big is your dong partner?


Love a Bawby reference!

I can't wait to listen to Creeps with Kids.

I'm not particually fat but have a few extra lbs. I started this diet and weights falling off. Roughly 1200 calories a day. Protein bars, Chipotle burrito bowls grilled chicken, veggies and an occasional Apple or Clementine. 9 lbs in 10 days. I want to lose 10-15 more lbs in the next 18 days. I've ran maybe twice. It's all what you eat. Once I start up my cardio its going to fall off. It's easy once you get in the hang of it. This is coming from someone who enjoys junk food, pizza burgers and drinking 15-20 budlights on a night out. If anyone of you monsters want some judgement free advice message me. Peckahs

Give up the protein bars, for one. Lotsa grilled chicken, lots of omelettes, lotsa greens and try cottage cheese with blueberries and cinnamon if you're jonesing for something sweet.

Cottage cheese is for gays and first generation immigrants


How dare you?!

Protein bars let me keep my sanity and they're not that bad. I'll probably replace them long term but for the next 2 weeks or so I'm gonna eat them. Once i hit my goal weight I'm gonna incorporate a cheat day once a week and eat clean the rest

I'm gonna incorporate a cheat day

Did you just come out on Reddit?

I should've said a beer/shit food day, but yes i guess I like peckas now. Sorry gang!

you're among friends, cheetah

Thanks fake stinks!

Nothing wrong with protein bars as an occasional meal replacement. Or protein shakes.

Just don't eat one with a full meal - it's supposed to replace a meal. If you want to snack, grab some macademia nuts or cashews.

1200 calories a day is pretty dangerous for an adult male, dude.

Most of that is water weight. Any weight loss program, you'll see big losses up front, then taper off into a steady rate of loss, with occasional plateaus and stalls. 10 lbs is pretty standard for any big change in eating habits - people see losses like that in /keto pretty often.

The hard part will be maintaining that loss - a fat cell, once created, never goes away, and they fill up fast.


Fat shaming works.

Thanks to people like Amy I've never been fat, and never will be because it's gross and I enjoy hating fat people too much.

That's her first bite of a footlong



*after you knock her teeth out

Amy likes the direction of the sub.


Look at her eyes. You can see the emptiness of her soul.


Lifeless eyes, like a doll's eyes...

Farewell and adieu to you fair spanish ladies

Look at the level of ferocity & malice she imposes on the sandwich. Poor bastard didn't stand a chance.

Some might say she's raping the sandwich

That roll is the freshest material she's had in years.

Yeah...she's a biiiig girl.

That's a fat bitch

Her fat face will never not annoy me.

Not that I would do it, but a superman punch directly into her mouth, splattering her food all over.

Picture that in slow motion, blood and food shooting out all over the place, the shock wrinkles from the blow spreading across her face, and the turn from glee to sheer terror in her facial expressions.

Yeah!! Then fawkin jerk off on her face!!!

Dassabesdoe, just punchin n jerkin

You could do whatever you want to her after you do that to her.

You fucking savage. I was offering a hypothetical, you made it too real dude.

Shame, I am appalled the users on this board are this disgusting.


Yeah!! Then shit in her fawkin mouth and piss in her hair

Eww, so grody. :(

"What, too real!?"

Above all else; REAL.

funnier than anything jim has said in a year.


Big Amy after Chemo eating her sub. So brave.

I like making fun of this gilt as much as the next guy, but how else are you supposed to eat a sandwich guys?

At home, not on the street.

She's a fuckin' ANIMAL!

The misdirection of the thread title is the "bit" as it were.

that dope

Weighing a hundred pounds less - that's how.

Goddamnit, that took me like 4 seconds too long to get. Fuck.

Can you blame her? The side bar pics on this sub haven't changed in over a year. Still waiting for that Eric Dassey pic to pop up.

I see what you did there...

I thought this was going to be like the hulk hogan thing, but gud jerb anyway

Isn't she meant to be a jew?

You son of a bitch.

she literally looks like mrs piggy.



That made me hungry.

I feel her daily sodium intake may be over the recommended amount. Those hands look very swollen.

I've restructured my diet because of the hog beast.

Shes a cannibal

She also attacks any other foodstuffs that get within 50 feet of her gaping maw.

She's a fat cunt

Question: Is she another one who pretends to be Jewish or Half Jewish? Only the half-Jewish blond ones are allowed to read vulgar jokes written by fully Jewish men??

Don't you guy think "Big Amy" is childish? Her being fat is part of her act and she jokes about it. She takes pictures like this to promote that. Do you think she really eats sandwiches while staring into a camera in public on accident? Its like calling Trump hitler, ralphie may fat, and dave attell bald, in my opinion. She bragged on natl tv about how bad she looked next to jennifer Lawrence, because its a bit. Idk calling someone fat as an insult is very opie. Not clever or original or funny. I don't defend Amy because i hear she steals jokes, but this whole "big amy" thing is an actual joke from my elementary school days. She's literally getting more famous and doing interviews because of the hate from this sub, and thats the plan. This is the only place i hear about this god damned persons name and it fuels her career. STOP BUYING INTO THE BIT

I've also been losing weight recently and would like to thank the Schuminator. The fat pig whore cunt is certainly an inspiration.

Lady Di did the same thing with me and drinking. I used to drink a couple beers practically every night. Now I'm down to maybe 1-2 days a month, if that.

A different kind of "scared straight."

I'm not particually fat but have a few extra lbs. I started this diet and weights falling off. Roughly 1200 calories a day. Protein bars, Chipotle burrito bowls grilled chicken, veggies and an occasional Apple or Clementine. 9 lbs in 10 days. I want to lose 10-15 more lbs in the next 18 days. I've ran maybe twice. It's all what you eat. Once I start up my cardio its going to fall off. It's easy once you get in the hang of it. This is coming from someone who enjoys junk food, pizza burgers and drinking 15-20 budlights on a night out. If anyone of you monsters want some judgement free advice message me. Peckahs

Fat shaming works.


How many fats have you had? I'm on my 3rd fat.

Thanks to people like Amy I've never been fat, and never will be because it's gross and I enjoy hating fat people too much.

Cool man. I recently lost 95lbs, but that was because my leg was amputated due to diabetes.