ATTN Reddit Admins: r/opieandanthony is NOT a brigading subreddit

53  2016-08-25 by OkaySeriouslyBro



Wordy ass nigga.




Take it easy, man.


You Obama loving libtards just don't get what Opie is trying to achieve. He knows black women are taking over hollywood and he's doing what he can to stop that.


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But the Schumer can not win, the internet needs it's hate site. You either die Patrice or live long enough to be Anthony. I hacked her account and left the 1 star reviews. Phone it in.

He was 14 years old

Sons of bitches, I am Lemskroob.

Lemskroob is a 7 foot tall fagot!

Yes, I've heard. Sucks off men by the hundreds, and if he were here he'd supress the SJWs with fire from his one-eye and bolts of suelightning in his arse. I AM Lemskroob. And I see a whole army of my faggots here in defiance of the regressive left. You have come to fight as free twinks, and free twinks you are. What would you do without freedom? Will you spread?

Spread? Against that? No, we will tuck; and we will live

Aye, spread and you may die. tuck and you'll live -- at least a while. And dying in your halfway house beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our sphincters, but they'll never take our PECKASSS!!!

Alba gu bra! (O&A Party Rock forever!)


Someone doesn't know the meaning of brigading. It only counts within Reddit not outside of it. Woke as fuck.

it's okay. the peckas count is back to normal. I think we're in the clear.


Are you saying we should raise a generation of super kids?

Very mature, thanks for your announcement. All kidding aside, it needed to happen. Though I want to add a big fawkin peckah.

If you hate bridges and gates so much, why don't build just build a tunnel, or somethin'. Tsss

tsss YEAH or a bike lane or sumpthin tss I dunno

it says a ton about his power and influence in the entertainment industry that no major news organization will touch this story despite the evidence directly linking him to the Leslie Jones attack.

This is an excellent point. His ability to escape the limelight and appear to be a complete unknown, washed-up noobody in the industry is pretty incredible.


This is an extremely well thought-out and insightful (not inciteful, eh? eh?) post, sir.

If I could also just add - Niggers.

A bastion of free speech? Please, we're nothing more than bitter truck drivers and panera artisans.

You are a big fool and a huge fag, but I understand what you are doing.

You are trying to make outsiders understand this place. That is like pissing into the wind. We are a unique community.

This place is a tornado of shit in a permanent state of Jocktober, on everything and everyone.

This sub is a real life Twilight Zone episode for the Bbbbboys.

they created a monster, then it devoured them

I and a great majority happen to love the new direction of the sub

Brother Wease was reported to be all in, not just a taste.

Nice try. This board planned the Leslie Jones Twitter attack and the photo hack.

It was done through private messages for the most part. Stinkskc was the ring leader, I_hate_knickers was his first lieutenant.

This place is going down, even notorious hacker and founder of anonymous cbanks420lol thought it was too much.

You make your bed, now lay in your yellow treats


Sure do know a lot of things for someone making their second reddit post.

Not surprised Opie is using "Correct the Record" shill tactics to cover his ass.

Just so everyone knows, this guy just sent me a DM and threatened to doxx me. You can make fun of me for working at Panera Bread, but don't threaten my livelihood. But it's typical of this place. Not a day goes by that someone on this board doesn't get doxxed or hacked or another subreddit gets brigaded.

Also, you don't have to post to know what's going on. It's called reading.


That's why I'm out there, you can't dox the man who already outed herself