TYT on the Leslie Jones "incident"

0  2016-08-25 by CharlieWaflesBR


BREAKING NEWS: They bring up race...

I can't anymore

guys.... I can't anymore....

I hate TYT but basically agree with everything they're saying here. What happened to Jones is pretty fucking disgusting.

Are you referring to her being born with ascended testes?


mad bro?


Sorry, I'm going through a tough time right now, I didn't mean to lash out. This whole Leslie Jones thing has made me unable to think straight.


It is but it's not racist or sexist

I don't think they're going after her because she's black or a woman, it's just a sweet added bonus.

It seems pretty racist, saying she's like that african named ape.

yeah there's some racist people contributing, but I don't she's targeted because of it. But also she's very gorilla-like, it's not racist, I mean you wouldn't call Beyonce a Harambe just because she's a black woman. It's more a case of people who look like things


That being said, to take someones private shit and post it for the world to see, that asshole needs to get locked the fuck up.

at least they have a unique perspective on the issue

I stopped watching as soon as I heard 'problematic'.

She has no right to say that word.

Name calling!! I'm outraged


Chink Wigger's jacket looks like it was pulled out of a homeless person's station wagon. Ana's body is set to "unfortunate".

These fucking idiots. They are arguing that posting a photo of a gorilla & saying it's Leslie Jones is racist.

Them saying the leak was because of "racism" is what I'm disagreeing with, but I can see why someone would think calling her a nigger and posting side by side comparisons between her and a literal monkey is racist. I despise TYT with every inch of my being, but denying she hasn't suffered ANY racism is stupid.

That didn't look like a side-by-side comparison, just a meme (although I realize people have done that to her on Twitter). Also Gorillas aren't monkeys.

I just called that nigger "Chink Wigger", are we really going to debate whether that is racist or not? My point is only trollable dolts would point out that labeling photos of a gorilla as Leslie Jones is racist. Then they're like "They Alt-Right is saying, 'Oh no.' Okay? 'We're not racist.' Okay? They want to pretend they're not racist. Okay? You see. Okay?" They're raging against being obviously fucked with.