Are all of these stupid celebs unaware of external harddrives?

6  2016-08-24 by ChaunceHayden

As a guy who has literally 4 or 5TB of porn, and plenty of other info/media that I want to hang on to but no one else needs to see, I have three external harddrives, a bunch of SD cards, and I've never once used a cloud service. In addition, I've never lost a single piece of media that I saved. Don't give me your tech-y "everything is digital MAAAAHHNNNN" bullshit.

These people are seriously retarded.


Dude, we get it, the type of porn you like gets you 15 years. We don't need a breakdown of your rig.

Nice wheels you got there bro, bet it's not street-legal, what chu got under the hood? Aww shit, 5tb of CP, that's bad-ass!

Just got a direct testosterone injection, these kids shoot loads, boy!

Kids? Loads? Boy? Nice

Shhhhure, sounds like you have a lot secrets. You can't be too careful these days, there's a whole bunch of tattle-tales out there!

True. And just for the heck of it, they could even store those hard drives in a safe, so no one can find them while they're out and about.

No one knows that I have "9/11 Marching Orders" documents and thought-to-be lost blackbox recordings on them so I just leave them all over my house, no worries.

Classic hoarder. Have you ever gone back and jerked off to a lot of it? I'm betting not often. Show me the hottest girl in the world and I'll show you a guy that's tired of fucking her. It's in our blood to find fresh meat....even if it takes us hours on end.

EDIT: Ohhh CP, I get it now. Carry on.

I'd agree I'm a bit of a hoarder. It's HD so it's not as many videos as you'd think. I just watch different ones every time I jerk off and then there are a bunch that I just can't bring myself to permanently delete (that's the hoarder part).


Then you can't lock your phone if some one stole it

yes you can

there are apps that do just that, and they do not take your photos and other stuff.

but if u link ur icloud to ur phone, thieves cant unlock it ever and all they can do with it is to take it apart and sell the parts at a much lower price

well I use Android (am from Europe and pretty much everyone around here uses Android) and can not tell much how it works for IOS, but for android there are way that you can do whatever you want to your phone, in case it gets stolen. I am sure there are multiple ways to do the same for IOS.

Also - if my phone gets stolen I do not really care if thieves will have use of it or not - point is I do not have it anymore. So I make sure that my phone does not get stolen (yeah it happens even if you are very careful with it but very rarely)

Also I can go to my service provider and ask them to track down my phone even if they took the sim card (not sure how you call it in USA) out , because they can track phone that was connected to that sim card.

Also most importantly - you trade of possibility that your whole life (nudes and personal information soc security number , bank info etc) be stolen from cloud and posted all over internet or be used by hackers in some way for just one feature - that you will be able to lock your phone in case it gets stolen and you can stick it to thieves (?) Is that your brain math ?

Point is if niggers know it's worth nothing there will be less incentive to steal it.and I am pretty sure they can just flash the Rom over or whatever to unlock your Android and erase everything. Fbi can't even unlock the iPhone that's what all fuss few months ago was all about

Unless you are as retarded as Jim Norton you would know how to turn off all the other shit and only leave find my iphone on

I think the first question would be why are you taking nudes when you're closing in on 220?

Who are you kidding, she eclipsed 220 ages ago.

Externals fail all the time. I hope that happens to you. Who the fuck would save pictures of themselves naked and put them on fucking hardrives? You think celebrities are going to tell the person they're sexting to wait until they get home so they can transfer their nudes or tell them they'll email it to them? The entire point of the smartphone is that it is everything in one device. It's all about convenience. Why not just get a fucking dedicating camera for dick pics you dumb faggot?

You just wanted to brag about your collection you fucking porn nerd.

For external harddrives failing "all the time" not one of my three have had an issue in two years. Also, I'll take that over having my purposely hidden media being hacked and published.

I'm not talking nude pictures you douche. For example, her Passport and License info are apparently out there now, that's something she could keep on an SD card and stick it in her phone anytime she needs it.

Edit to address this retarded statement:

You think celebrities are going to tell the person they're sexting to wait until they get home so they can transfer their nudes or tell them they'll email it to them?

No, you see, you send the picture right away, and if you think you need to save it, put it on your harddrive when you get home.

You sound elderly, and like you got a wild crybaby hair up your ass.

Oh yeah because "All these celebs unaware of external hardrives" have a passport scandal on their hands. You're a fucking idiot that just wanted to brag about your data storage. The entire post was about you and your fucking hardrives. The only thing that wasn't was the premise of the post, the title. Which says nothing about Leslie Jones. Being the only celeb that had anything other than nudes leaked that anybody gives a shit about.

My post isn't from a "I save my nude pics like this, why don't these dummies?!" point of view. It's from a "I have plenty of things to hide, this is how I do it, and I've never been compromised" point of view.

My collection of porn is literally one sentence of the entire subject, dum dum.

Stop projecting your shitty insecurities on to me.

You should be more insecure.

Certainly. Just not about my porn collection or my data storing abilities, I know I'm great at that.

Clearly, you made a post just to tell everyone.

To be fair, it's the current year - who downloads porn anymore?

Someone who's afraid the "machine" will "break down", and I'll need to shoot a load in a pinch.

If the internet breaks down to the point where you can't get porn, you'll have bigger problems than jerking off.

I couldn't imagine having a bigger problem than not being able to jerk off, what the fuck would that problem even look like?

No one knows that I have "9/11 Marching Orders" documents and thought-to-be lost blackbox recordings on them so I just leave them all over my house, no worries.