"People who get that rise out of attacking others, putting other people down... Those are miserable people... You are garbage" - Ana "What Armenian Genocide?" Kasparian

14  2016-08-24 by NihilistKnight


She was the one screaming "FAT FUCK" at Alex Jones at the top of her lungs in that one video right?

Yeah. She also doesn't give any fucking fucks when she fucking reports on fucking shit and fuck.


ewww, Armenians are sooo grody!

Seeing as we are cursed with the kardashian family i dont think the turks genocided hard enough.




And yet she works for a fat Turkish piece of shit who does nothing but belittle people he disagrees with politically.

How long until she's hacked? This is basically begging for it.

Those are some nudes I'd actually like to see.

Ana is a sexy little slattern.

I hate to go all Big Jay on you, but do you think she's got bush? I'd like to think there's some sloppy frothed up pubes down there waiting...

I certainly hope so.

I hate to go all Jim Morton but i bet she has a big-meaty cunt.

*post nose job

*channers get hard over stuff like this. Will they never learn?

oh she gives a shit, lol

Ol Ana "fat shaming" Kasparian

Was this in lieu of or in addition to getting a bullseye tattooed on her ass?

Elaborate on the genocide thing?

Basically the Armenians were done by the Turks the way the Jews were done by the Nazis. Except the Armenians didn't deserve it.


what do the ((( ))) things mean

teach me a meme.

Why do people do that

It means duh joo...

Some white nationalist made a script for Chrome that put ((( ))) around common Jewish last names. Basically, racists who have done so little homework that they don't even know what a Jewish name sounds like so they need a cheat sheet for who to be suspicious of.

Seriously? That's hilarious. I'm downloading Chrome. Again.

It basically comes down to high school level bullshit. Obama actually said something publicly about the genocide, which Turkey still denies, and they got mad. You don't want to piss off your BFF in that region or they will turn around become BFF's with Russia or China, and then you can't sit at the "cool table" anymore. When you acknowledge genocides you have to eat lunch alone.

she is an Armenian skank who works for Cenk Uygur who is a smarmy liberal Turkish faggot who also denies the Armenian genocide existed while his token pet Armenian girl sits beside him like a good dog.

She sounds like a good lil submissive jihad, selling out her entire genocided race and family for a job and acceptance!

It's a good thing she has nice tits because her opinion hole is without value

She has a nice dumper of some vague middle eastern descent. As long as I don't actually have to slice her clit off myself afterwards, it's no skin off my nose

Our (American) allies, modern day Turkey, supposedly killed millions of Armenians during the Ottoman empire (tss why not da sofa empire or somethin). It's easier for America to ignore these atrocities than to admit one of their few friends in that region is also a bunch of shit-heads.

The swarthy looking man to her left is her employer and is also a notorious Armenian genocide denier.

I mean, I could give less of a fuck about Armenians, they're basically known for being gypsy scum and the Kardashians. However, this did happen.

Interesting. I'll look into that!

You really don't know about the Armenian genocide? Someone needs to brush up on their history. The Ottoman Empire killed over a million Christians and Jews during ww1

You're surprised that someone on here has a history knowledge limited to a two block radius of his basement?

Ah those Muslims, up to no good as usual

No i was referring to the denial part of the title.

those who idiots in the video both seem to deny that the genocide ever took place, google it!

I had a wee look, interesting stuff.

Armenian? tsss. Why not Marinesnian or sumpthinn??


What's her problem...?: The Saudi Arabians weren't funding her enough?

Shut your mouth hole and open your useful hole, broad.



Didn't she publicly state she believes the genciode happened? I know Cenk hasn't.

Moral justification in real time


A much better way to watch this


I wonder how many Armenian genocides he's made her commit after he's fucked her bare, knocked her up and made her get an abortion?

"Cenk you got me pregnant again when you did me doggy style and rested your fat gut on my ass and blew your Turkish seed into me."

"Well you Armenian gutter cunt you know what you have to do. Am I right? Am I right?"


I had a wee look, interesting stuff.