If you lurkers are planning to write any articles that mention Anthony, then here are some handy pictures of him you can use

59  2016-08-24 by chrb13


sammy davis cumia is hilarious!

That's our boy. What does he call black people? Savages? Sub-human? Am I remembering correctly?

I don't go for that type of crude humor.

Nothing compared to what Joe DeRosa, Amy Schumer, and Louis CK used to say on O&A when they were on the show together. Remember the infamous Nazi broadcasts? They basically hijacked the show for a few days to push some really crude shit. We thought it was a joke at first but I think we all saw through it, like Anthony with black people, there is no way that humor was the motive in what Louis, Amy and Joe used to say about black people on those shows. Joking about ending an entire race of people and ridding them from earth is one thing, but when it goes on and on, for hours at a time, (like a Ron & Fez bit) and it seems like all 3 of the hosts were actually gleefully snickering about it... it was one of the first bits that actually had me switching stations over to Scorch. It crossed the line and just turned into what Anthony's show is now - pure racist hatred, no content.

I think in a way, their pure racism, when harnessed and controlled, can make for good cringe comedy. However, the risks behind promoting that kind of message unironically with no laugh track, for about 3 straight hours, and 4 hours on Saturday Night Virus shows which have all since been erased, I would imagine.... Some of what they said was so deadpan and seemed to be their true feelings. What if young people hear that? The people from the TV screen say that anyone with brown skin needs to be "taken care of, beyond measure." I used to listen to the show everyday in my truck on the drive in to work. I heard every second of every show, up until a certain point when I tuned out. Much like the Slave Girl bit... much like the Show We Can't Talk About... there are a few other clips they've successfully hidden. These were full shows. They may be out there.

more words

It can be funny to you, I'm not fucking laughing about it. Do you know how many hatecrimes take place in Times Square alone at night?

No, how many?

How is Anthony relevant enough to anything to be worth writing an article about? Thats just an honest question...did he do something recently?

It might seem like he's uninvolved, but The Long Island Puppetmaster works in subtle ways.

I seem to recall picture of him and an underage broad posing for a Christmas photograph.

He looks like max cady in that first one

He looks kind of like Mac's dad from always sunny if he had been dragged several city blocks by his face off the back of a vehicle moving at a high speed.

Laughed my ass off at Sammy.

Thank you sir