The Mods are lazy niggers, give us new sidebar pictures!

18  2016-08-24 by lsx100

yeah and they wus fightin with rockers at brighton beach to and then sting beat em up all with and took his peckah out in the courtroom and we was all laffin and shit!


Lazy ''Nigger'' Mods

I'm hammered!

I hope you mean that literally.

Fuck yeah!

I hate that one on the far right with Sam and Eric broin' it up

Looks like a cro-magnon and a dinosaur.

New pics, but don't delete "A Beautiful Opie-mind".

I like that the mods ignore this place.

Unless it involves actual off site fun. Just ask /u/cbanks420lol

I want the sub to survive until at least Anthony gets sentenced. Until then, i hope we avoid posts with any risk of the sub being shut down

Don't worry, we've got some other PFG homes to go to

Kingdom of nakedness!

I have no idea what this Leslie Jones shit about and why it has anything to do with the sub.

The last time I hinted at that (jokingly), I was banned for a week.

Why are all the BaldOpie classics absent?


I'd also like to add - NIGGERS

Can't disagree.

Kind of redundant there.

I prefer lazy mods to power tripping faggot mods. /r/opieandanthony mods are saints on earth

We need one based on The Crying Game called "The Pissy-Eyes Game" with Anthony and Sue.

Also along similar lines we need a play on Tron, such as "Tran"



Mods: Please tart and sticky a thread for new sidebar photo submissions/voting and we'll do all the work.






Just send a mod message. One of us cares about the layout, he'll answer.

I see what you did there.