This sign made me laugh

8  2016-08-24 by unclepaul84


I need to start bringing a change of pants into work.

My parents have a son suffering with autism, i find this offensive.

I find your child's genetic deficiency to be an outrage.

Near where I live there is a "Deaf Children Ahead" sign. I mean, I understand the idea because these are kids who are apt to wander into traffic without being able to hear a car coming so drivers need to be more alert to that but when I was younger it felt like when you go to a zoo and see a sign for "Lion Enclosure This Way" or some shit. Like the sign is giving you a heads up so you can look out the windows to see what the deaf kids are up to.

There's been a deaf child sign in my neighborhood for at least 20 years, and a blind child sign on the other side of town for even longer. They're obviously handicapped adults now and should not be darting into traffic.

Get your cameras out! Deaf people ahead! "Look ma, i can yell and yell at it and it wont turn to look at me!"

I get the feeling that this should be included in the sidebar rotation.

or the banner for the subreddit

As if these autistic children don't get enough special snowflake attention, now they need FUCKING SIGNS to identify where they are. Get the fuck over yourselves, so sick of this bullshit. Stop pandering to everybody.

These ssssscccuuummmbaaaaggggggsssss with their ME ME ME bullshit!

holy shit, relax

You know you've crossed some lines when buttriot tells you to chill out.


I know a song you might like, it's called Signs by Five Man Electrical Band

They've got one of these outside Opie's beach house


This one's a bit more subtle. And here's one for Uncle Paul.

Anthony should have this in his basement


The sign is not a warning but a public service.

It lets you know it is ok to hit them.

The parents are obviously sick of them, otherwise they would not have bothered the town to erect a sign pointing out thier genetic mistake.
