you know I think Pete Davidson might be right about the Stangles new show

15  2016-08-24 by Dennyislife


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this sub was definitely brought up during meetings

if they delete their twitter and ban posts on their facebook they could honestly come out from this scot-free and probably continue this shitty show if the ratings allow it

Lol the cat's outta the bag.

The whole Lochte/lockee exchange with the colored gentleman and his race traitor was really uncomfortable to watch.

That's where I turned it off. I hate that type of humor/joke.

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Phase 3 already?

i'm giddy

This show got a niggas ribs hurtin today

PFG TV had better production than this garbage

its PFG for a reason

This show is going to be cancelled within 6 months

Shouldnt even last that long, but the Stangles are from the Jewish I predict at least two seasons.

it's y'all's party nigga!

Who the fuck is Harry Conick Jr?

Thanks for the reminder to kill myself today.

This show could only work if it was released in 2001. Even the Tony Danza show is better than this shit.

At least that big dumb wop was kinda interesting to watch. Harry is painfully bland.

This doesn't look like it will be my cup of tea

Harry Connick Jr looks like a fucking hayseed backwoods redneck, he is not attractive, his hair looks fake, and he seems like he'd have a really awful body odor and garlic-like testicle sweat stench to him. He seems to be overall white trash with a budget.

This made my morning. It's so true.

I'll bet you anything in life that he has at least a few pair of white underwear that have tiny piss stains in the front.

The man just looks like an irrationally angry asshole, who probably abuses the Stangels - mentally and hopefully physically - on a regular basis.

He is a bearded Lt. Dan

Harry thinks he's charming but comes of as a real creep in many of these exchanges.


isn't that dear

A wigger produced by a wig.

Oh no

Wow, they need no help in trashing this, looks like our work here is done.

Held that young girl too close for too long

So the Stangles got this special needs person aka retard a tv show so they can goof on him.That's just so wrong.

Pete became my new favorite radio hero when he demolished these two idiots on the air. His timing and ability to relentlessly shit all over them and their stupid project was just insane.

And when one of them walked out and the other one just kinda followed him sadly was the icing on the cake.

EDIT: It's too bad he got decapitated.

its PFG for a reason