Is r/opieandanthony the only safe space for us?

23  2016-08-24 by Mike4151

You go on any other subreddit--also the main page, and you get downvoted if you say anything somewhat offensive faster than Ant cracking open a bud light when he gets home from the studio.


I've taken to calling people outside of this sub Civilians

We're all heading down a weird antisocial spiral.

"Headed" or already there?


I called someone a faggot in the Bay Area subreddit out of impulse and got banned.

remember that day where every post was some kind of version of 'Is Sherrod black?' and it came out of nowhere? That was actually pretty funny.

Did we ever get an answer for that?

I do not but I really wish i was there for that or at least had the links to a few of those. I really cannot fucking stand that guy to the point where I get excited at the sight of any post at his expense.

You don't like Sherrod?

no one likes Sherrod except Opie

It's because he's black and faggot.

Stormfront has been pretty welcoming to me.

wb r/feminism or r/proudboys?

I got banned from world news for accusing the Chinese of being sneaky. There are some other good subs that don't give a fuck but 99% of reddit are corny, pun/continuality joke making, do-gooders. Cheese-ball wholesome kindergarten teachers. The best is when there's a terrorist attack and somebody goes "I live 4 blocks from where it happened. I'm shaking" and everybody responds with "Glad your okay! Glad your safe!" Hahaha Like they were just informed of this person's existence and they are all "OMG worried for you!! Lock your doors!" Complete phonies.

everytime i see that i picture 78 year old women typing those responses

but i know it's just faggy people who are smart enough to not shit-comment on facebook yet dumb enough to treat an anonymous internet place like it's facebook

Yeah thats so gay when they do that stuff

/r/philadelphia is pretty good with letting you be an asshole. But who the fuck outside of the city would care about that subreddit?

philly is phenomenal. They rarely ban for shit. Every thread has at least one comment by some lunatic with -53 karma going off on some insane racial tyrade.

that subreddit really embraces the voice of philly - which is essentially cunts, smug cunts, fake cunts, hipster cunts and blacks.

Is Fr. Doris there?

Considering the fact that the faggot mods lock threads that aren't even breaking any rules, I'd say that this place isn't even safe. 4chan will always be better.

Seriously brigading that isn't even brigading? What faggot mod locked it?

That polesmoker /u/SpaceEdge. He's paranoid that the sub will get shut down, because he's an overly dramatic moron. Ban me.

r/The_Donald is thoroughly pro-offensive talk. People there also know how to take a joke.

People there also know how to take a joke.

Unless it's at the expense of ol' Donnie.

They really do take a joke pretty well but, yeah, it's a pro-Trump sub so...

Shame they ban anyone how has a different view from theirs tho, other than that its a good sub come home buddy


Alot of people also post on 4chin so is it really surprising

4chin what is that like Amy Schumer's twitter handle or somethin

fawkin home run chippah

Fuckin double chins cock sucka

I kinda like /r/drama but other than that I find this website, for the most part, to just be one large faggoty positive circle jerk. I can't even post in creepy because some faggot mod banned me for arguing with him about my post actually being creepy or not.

This is one of the few subs that doesn't employ the general "Reddit hivemind" where we all have the same opinions and memes and shit we just don't say because it's colloquially "offensive", which is why I like it here a lot.

If someone is being a nigger faggot I can call them a nigger faggot without worrying about getting an inbox full of offended cucks who have to tell how mean I am for using words they don't like.

Like someone else said it's basically a micro genre of /r/4chan except way more niche and without all the tired pol memes. /r/fatpeoplehate was also a great non-mainline sub before the fatties threw one too many temper tantrums and got it shut down.

Hope this place never meets the same fate. You guys are alright.

If someone is being a nigger faggot I can call them a nigger faggot without worrying about getting an inbox full of offended cucks who have to tell how mean I am for using words they don't like.

It's also pretty likely that the aforementioned nigger faggot will not be bothered by it one bit.


I told someone in the Anxiety subreddit to stop whining and of course got banned. That place is full of sissies who think leaving the house is a big accomplishment.

Is there a sub on 8chan? You could make one

Is that Pat Cooper on the left?

I get a lot of invites in /r/RoastMe

I feel bold and brave here, but I get triggered everywhere else.



That polesmoker /u/SpaceEdge. He's paranoid that the sub will get shut down, because he's an overly dramatic moron. Ban me.