Cbanks has been banned from our sub. As far as I'm concerned cbanks IS this sub. This is an outrage join r/freecbanks - I imagine I will be deleted/banned soon too.

6  2016-08-24 by [deleted]



Settle down, he's unbanned.


Why was the twitter Schumer thing removed though? How was that different than the countless twitter links and suggestions of who/what to tweet that are constantly posted on here? I dont even care that much, but if you visit this place on a regular basis, you have to see how out of left field it is for something like that to be removed.

It's been taken care of. I completely understand where you're coming from, and I agree with you.

Having said all that, and unbanned him, and reapproved his threads....this one has to come down.

Has he really? What the fuck? I dont want to get banned myself but someone should really send a message to SpaceEdge that he should step down as mod. O&A is long dead, and stuff ike that are the reason people are still here. NO ONE likes O&J. Links to twitter are NEVER going to count as brigading and the reddit admins are never looking here even if they were so dont even start with that shit. Go start an O&J sub if you dont like it and leave the people here to do what they want.

EDIT: ok so apparently it was just a two day ban, but still, it was more the news that he's an O&J fan that disturbed me.


He is unbanned some of you need to chill. First off who said I'm a O&A fan. I told the guy who posted yesterday who wanted a positive site to just post I'll listen if there is a guest I like.

Step down as a mod.... suck my dick. If it wasn't for me this place would have been closed by the admins years ago. I've hand picked everymod here and a few left because it wasn't worth their time babysitting people.

When I took this sub over it was all positive I encouraged people to post what they want inside Reddits rules. I encouraged /u/opiesucks to post how he hates opie.

This isn't a gang up and troll your flavor of the week sub. It's a sub dedicated to O&A and the people around them good or bad.

And the thread he posted about these dumb fuck mods defending Amy got deleted too. Bye folks, it was nice know you.



Carlton wasn't being a dick. He's a good boy.
