Who besides Gavin do you think is an actual sociopath?

1  2016-08-24 by nothing_mattress


if anyone is a sociopath it's not gavin, it's this sub

sociopath, or just a proud boy?

Vic Henley.

That penis pump guy on ants show, something was weird about him, he used to go and hang out with lady Di, petty and Bobo. there was something off about that fucker.


Ben Sparks. Opie.

Hillary Clinton

Tucker Max

Ants the true sociopath. As long as you genuflect at the McMansion and turn a blind eye to his pedophilic predilections, you're at the poker table heartily laughing at some(Dani's) chops being busted. If not then his man servant will cast you out while Ant casts blame on twitter.



Danny Ross

Davey Mac will probably end up murdering his ex wife after a Coke bender... So I nominate him

That's not sociopathy, he has psychotic breaks.

That's not sociopathy, he has psychotic breaks.