Big Amy's Boyfriend Was Abusive

0  2016-08-23 by littlepeteferguson

He pinched her really, really hard guys!


"Hed rip the shower curtain down and make fun of my body..." "Hed say im the least attractive girl hes been with..." "He pissed on me, not in the way jimmy would like"


Imagine him pissing on this turd then yelling, "now clean up and get dressed we're going out to dinner"


Is this the most current boyfriend? The furniture maker who had a picture in blackface show up online only to have it mysteriously disappear the next day and never get commented on by the media? The "ordinary guy" who just met her and fell madly in love with her and it wasn't because she was famous and had money, nosirree he loved her for her.

Or is this an old time ex like a comedian she dated, stole material from and then when he threatened to tell everyone what she did she hit him with "I'll tell everyone you abused me if you tell anyone I steal your material and in fact you better write me a bunch more jokes or my Uncle Chuck will get you buried under the jail."

God Damn, so going by her timeline, she was with this guy then when she sexually assaulted the Taxi driver, AND RAPED the unconscious guy in college. What a disgusting mound of flesh. P.S - I'll bet her flesh mound is pretty goddamn awful in it's own right as well....

Fucks sake......😡