Amy and Radio Robin are heros

16  2016-08-23 by Justyna_A


If she was who she is back when Howard was king turdslinger she'd be rallying against him daily.

And vice versa


Way to contribute




No, she wouldn't. That would require her to have integrity and the ability to form a thought of her own. She'd be a completely different person/"character" and would be whatever she thought she needed to be to get fame... unless she was required to diet and excercise properly.


Totally gray beard, gray eyebrows, jet-black hair - checks out.

"We can be gyros, just for one day"

Well I don't know what an orientation measuring device has to do with anything.

On o&j she said she's about to start her period so she's bloate. How come none of the girls I ever dated gained 40lbs before their period?

Howard looking like he tripped and fell into some shoe polish.

Milky cataract eyes Howie.

I swear Howard is photoshopped into these pics.. It's the exact same pose every time

Jason stands on top of a box in the exact same spot for every photo, there is a link with all the photos he takes and yes he's in the exact same position, I'd find it but I'm taking a shit and now have to wipe my ass...

She gets fatter ever time I saw a new picture of her

Stress eating. She knows the public opinion is shifting.

Old Auntie Howie

Her face looks like a dented saucepan.

Two role models for Jezebel. A female fake bro comic who made jokes about rape, and the king of stripper anal ring toss.

Even a blind pig finds an acorn once in awhile.

She's almost a flatso and that hair on a 70 year old man is retarded.

It's really time for Howard to cut his hair and stop dying it

As much as I hate Amy, I love that she keeps posting shit with Stern. I know it drives Opie crazy. She'd never post this kind of picture with Opie.

Amy posted that, so she's saying stern is the hero.

Amy posted that, so she's probably just talking about sandwiches apropos of nothing.

Is she saying that her and stern are heros? Why didn't she just right hero?

I would suspect that she intended it to be 'one of my heroes' not 'we're two heroes' and if you just wrote 'hero' you're implying a singularity or prominence.

Or she's praising both Howard and men's hair club

Is she seriously calling herself a hero?

He kinda looks like Opie here just less tits

Richard Simmons is looking good.

I thought it was Gene Simmons.

I'd probably take my jacket off in the middle of the summer inside a building on the radio.


Howard's got the sad eyes of a broken man who has just realized he's sitting next to Amy Schumer. It's just in this photo he actually is.

Goddamnit I just saw this on Twitter and was all excited to post it here. Good job friend on beating me to it. My subject line would have "Opie: Thanks a lot Jerk!"