VOX is trying to ruin Jody Hill and Danny McBride's new show by pretending it's some deep meaningful subtext

22  2016-08-23 by Anarchorenegade


"Toxic mascunlity played for laffs but actually a scathing look at modern men and their loss of power in this world."

I'm pretty sure I could fart out progressive thinkpieces. It's also worth noting that this is what Todd Van Der Werf looks like - of fucking course. He makes ERock look like a model.

Wow. He's a dead ringer for Martha Stewart.

I wonder if laurel & hardy or Abbott & Costello were also a satire of Toxic Masculinity? A thinkpiece could be written the exact same way about the Honeymooners. Maybe the comedic dynamic of 2 dumb guys who think they are smart is just funny

I'd be curious to ask some of these people if such a thing as "toxic femininity" exists

It's pretty hilarious that these sites are still doing this even though like 50%-80% of people who would read shit like this are fucking tired of it and roll their eyes at it.

They love their "cause" so much yet are poisoning the well more and more every day. It's cool. I love these people.

The show is funny as fuck

Do you guys get that just by looking at this sortof thing you validate it? They dont make their money off of 'clicks that agree with us.' The words are meaningless.


Ill watch anything with Danny McBride

His K-Swiss ad is gold. Plus it's effective, it's the first time I've thought of or even heard the word K-Swiss in a few decades.

Yeah me too, however I'm pretty amazed at how fucking funny Walter Goggins has been.

I like that show. They say fuck a whole bunch in it.

Why would you even read VOX? Are you gay, bro?

Russell is great.

Todd VanDerWerff? That's a real name?

In Dutch it means "of the Werff."

VanDerWerff is slang for "queef."

After watching the first episode of the show, my dad, the former real-life vice principal said, "I've seen cartoons more accurate than this show." He said this because of its main character Neil Gamby, portrayed by Danny McBride. Gamby swears in front of kids, openly lusts after teachers, forces his driver's ed students to chauffeur him around on errand runs, and generally behaves like a gigantic baby with a mustache and a clip-on tie. Halfway through the second episode, my dad paused the show and said, "They would never let that man around children."

This may be the stupidest thing I've ever read on Vice, and I'm including the hipster gonzo shit about ketamine parties with shitty korean rappers or whatever the fuck they write about.

Me and my friends one time got cussed out by a staff member at my high school

"Russel, what the fuck?"

"I'm burning this fucker down.



You dont think there's any subtext in the show about two personally frustrated men making a debacle of their ecosystem with the plot almost certainly pointing to one of them reforming as he becomes more emotionally actualized and fulfilled?

I like the neighbor that kept calling Russell's wife & mother-in-law chinks & dinks LOL

He was funny I agree there.