Anyone remember Scorch's take on Ant's firing? This is how it legit aired at whatever station Scorch was working at that week.

44  2016-08-23 by IrsaysLiver


I was convinced I had another tab open somewhere playing that weird music but no, it's part of the clip. Just steam rolling over their conversation with its repetitiveness. It was still more coherent than anything Opie ever says.

This is avantgarde radio, tens of years ahead of it's time.

Random music over talk, unclean cuts, fading voices. FM Radio will be nothing but these type of broadcasts by 2040-50.



ANTHONY was FIRED over a HOLIDAY, so SCORCH wasn't LIVE on LOCATION that night. Normally the show WAS taped LIVE on LOCATION at 7pm for full overnight RE-AIR with commercial inserts on HUNDREDS of AFFILIATES. That didn't HAPPEN because they were OFF. INSTEAD, they recorded a few BREAKS to air in a FAKE LIVE show that night. The SHOW was still PROGRAMMING music then so they HAD to INCLUDE song INTROS, which made for a lot of CLIPS. I don't know what actually HAPPENED on their END, but TRACKS were played over EACH OTHER and in the WRONG order. SCORCH would INTRO a GNR song, with multi-talented waitress DANNY ROSS on GUITAR HERO controller, while another SONG was PLAYING. It was not GOOD.

I don't KNOW is this was AIRED anywhere other than the streamer, though I imagine AFFILIATES just let it run as it was 2am and NO ONE was LISTENING anyway.

If you are INTERESTED in more SCORCH audio, you can listen to the original SHOW DEMO or his PODCAST (ep. 1 and ep. 2) or his LAST DAY on RADIO (p1 and p2).

Or you CAN check OUT some VIDEO CLIPS!!!


A Rite-Aid?!!!

And I thought I hat-was in a rut!

I don't like you breaking kayfabe, brudda

This random video clip editor is epic. Quick 20 second clips. Each one pfg

How on earth do you know that much about Scorch? Are you actually him?

with multi-talented waitress DANNY ROSS on GUITAR HERO controller


This is hysterical

That song is so cheesy I'm crying listening to this. Sounds like a song Florentine would think was legitimately great.

The abrupt Windows error noise chiming in 10x louder than both the hosts and that fucking song is the cherry on top. Scorch is a national treasure.

Lmao i thought that was on my end

"You know, I have to take both sides on this."

Wow, thanks for the hot take.

Jim Norton ripped off Scorch.

Whoever thought it was a good idea to play that psychotic, fucking song deserves to have hot oil poured in their asshole.

Some people pay for that.


This couldn't have gone better.

Haha poor Scorch

That's the beauty of Scorch, in his mind he's on top of the world.

How do you not love scorch. he just hustles his way through life oblivious to his failures.

Scorch was playing mind games with Ant. He will always be a radio god. Its too bad he is a big A-List staaaaar now.

Scorch pulled a Howard and got too big for everyone. Too bad.

Speaking of scorch I'm just thankful there's no MEDIA FREEZE at tnt. Scorch starts a 3 week run on tnt's major crimes beginning 9/5.

O fuck I forgot about Scorch's MEDIA FREEZEs and now I'm crylaughing again.

What the fuck is this? How does a board op or anyone not notice the mix. I guess it's possible no one has actually listened to this.

Edit: and it ends mid sentence, dead air and then 13 seconds of different stock music... scorch is a genius somehow

That's funny


To be honest I've heard the name Scorch for years but I've never listened to him before.

His voice is strange. Does anyone else think he sounds like a distorted electric guitar?


riff You know, the photo he was taking, was clearly scaffoldin- riff

this is dada.

That ending was fanstastic.

This is my favourite video on the internet, only you fucks can understand the joy it brings me

Scorch really did take the high road on this one. He could've went all in. Instead, he chose not to bash it. If this was the other way around, Opie and Anthony and Jimmy would head ba I have trashed scorch four weeks. Scorch just gained some of my respect.

  • I don't feel like going back and fixing the typos.


Scorch rules.

O fuck I forgot about Scorch's MEDIA FREEZEs and now I'm crylaughing again.