Get a load of this faggot.

14  2016-08-23 by itrits


I was expecting my profile to come up.

I saw the earlier post, then this one.

Nice trolling. He is soft assed and defensive just like his cockslobbing idol Opie.

This community is toxic, and that is the only fucking reason I am here.

He probably is Opie. No one could be a fan of that douche.

soft assed



clearly the type of dumb shit an opie fan would do.

This sub is toxic and so are my insides.

That has to be Opie. That's the exact kind of shit he'd tweet.


This guy's good

I couldn't be more pleased that I caused this.

Oh no!! TWO threads on half-dead subreddit calling me a faggot!!!

How will I ever sleep tonight?!?!


Oh NO I've upset a homophobe!!!!


How original


Did you ever actually like the show? Holy fuck, you sound like a complete pussy.

Yup. Still do. And I like Opie. Get over it

I'm genuinely curious: what is it about him you like? I just can't understand anybody liking him.

Look, I know he can be a whiney bitch.

I know about the "gregshells", and I get that he tried to make a dollar anywhere he can.

But I also appreciate his perspective as a parent. I appreciate his childhood as similar to my own. I appreciate his view on race, I like how he put the show together, I like how he makes people uncomfortable. Some of the hardest laughs I've had were when he threw the poker chips, stomped the cake, throws book, fake hangs up on people.

I like how he has just as much money as Anthony but doesn't love the flashy lifestyle. He doesn't row wild parties with debauchery. Sure it sounds fun but that's not my lifestyle. I am more interested in quiet gathering wi friends and family.

So even though he has his shortcomings, his views simply line up with mine more than the other people on the show, so I like him better.

that's all.

I appreciate his childhood as similar to my own.

Which one, the "powdered melk" one or the real upper middle class one?

Well, I had powdered milk, so I'm gonna go with that one

I bet you also used old cement bags as backpacks (or whatever the fuck Opie claimed)

No I was lucky enough to have Close Encounters of the Third Kind lunch box.

So you're so desperate for some sort of affirmation that vaguely relating to someone's lies about their childhood is more important than intelligence and wit? That's pathetic.

lol wut?

You like a fat one punched into your ass don't you, slut boy?

Mistaking me for your mom.

Not a surprise, she's probably bald and has lots of facial hair, too

What are you a 15 year old boy? Mom jokes?

Really? I am fucking CRUSHED!

Let's get back to your gayness.

It hurts don't it. But it is your fault for not blowing them first.

Then you don't have dry nigger-dick just being pounded in there.

So you say I'm childish but your idea of arguing is to si p,y be as crude as possible. Classy.

"Ants Camera"

more like "Ant's asshole" cause if you kissed his ass any more you would be inside it

Your spelling is shit, kid. Go on edit that post lil guy.

I'm on mobile. And I don't really care.

You get a free pass on this one lil tyke.




If it didn't bother you, you wouldn't still be coming here to talk about it.

He's clearly triggered. Going all Metzger about it not bothering him is not working.

Helps to pass the time today. If you honestly think I care what you guys think of me then you are even dumber than I tell people

I'm just flattered that you're telling people about me. <3

You are a fucking waste of oxygen, and way too softskinned.

Stop posting here faggot.

Let us talk shit about you in peace.

Soft skinned?

Are you under the impression any of this bothers me??

Seems y'all got your jimmies rustled a lot more than I do

It is bothering you, otherwise you would ignore it.

Go back to your safe space hugbox subs, and leave us to our fuckery.

No, really not bothering me at all.

At this point I'm just replying to whatever shows up in my inbox because it beats making the phone calls I need to make

I hope someone beats you


How will I ever sleep tonight?!?!

On top of a big pile of peckahs, no doubt.

Home run, chippah

I used to think you were cool until you posted this.

I care so deeply.

Sir, go back to making long posts about how fantastic the Opster is, those were great.

I actually don't really care to tak about him, or the show, which is why I haven't posted to this subreddit in ages

Hey man, I'm on your side. I'm an Opie fan and I hate that all the dicks around here down vote me for it. Stay strong.

I mean, you did thank him on that other post...

Well he was nice to me then. I'm not a total asshat

No, really not bothering me at all.

At this point I'm just replying to whatever shows up in my inbox because it beats making the phone calls I need to make