The Psycho Ex-Girlfriend Tapes (5/10/2005 - 5/26/2005)

8  2016-08-23 by StarWarsMonopoly


One of my new all time favorite bits. Can't believe I had never head it until last week.

The crazy girl starts at 18:30-ish

Wow I'd never heard this one but holy shit. When it cuts to her crying saying she's "going to the hospital" I lost it. This is amazing.

"You think the whole world is just going to sit around and wait for you because you're MR. WONDERFUL?!? got some flaws goin' on yourself buddy!"

These are the words of a crazy person

The best part is how they are all timestamped. She goes from threatening to suicidal to cat-demanding literally by the minute.

Maybe your out meeting another chick right now!

Opie enjoys "the Rolling Stone". How has this idiot not given up a verbal crutch he's had for over a decade? You have to be so unaware to not realize when you say the same shit over and over.

I gave up right away with Opie's stupid button pushing.

He called John Cena John Sen-na too haha

Do yourself a favor and listen to the whole thing, I know the Pee Wee Herman shit is annoying but please listen to it, this woman is a gem.

I can't get enough of her insecurities.

Dah, alright, ya pulled me in

Please do man, you won't regret it.

Listen closely to the time stamps at the beginning of the messages and you'll see just how crazy she is...

She'll leave 4 or 5 messages in a row and she's wondering why he's not picking up.

Then she starts getting after him for being at a bar with his friends

"Go ahead and booze it up!"


"You were too buzy boozing it up to help me!"

She is just the worst

That pussy spread/fingering was A+

This is great! Never heard it either. And of course Tits is playing stupid sounds constantly...

I started listening in '05 but never heard this bit. I had heard the calls because I was introduced to the site they were on in 2003/4.