When I type Amy Schumer it wants to auto-correct to Amy Schemer. Will Amy ask for the internet to get taken down?

5  2016-08-23 by Jaeromaru

Ok Google. Show me a hypocrite.


She probably doesn't google herself that much. I wouldn't if I looked like this: http://i.imgur.com/gHrIYi1.jpg.

How do we make this the top image search?

Hashtag that shit with her dumb book.

That fucking picture angers me.

Frumpy fucking SJW, fat, pig, dumpster cunt, sweaty thighed bitch.

She should take a plane ride with Corey Lidle.

Damn, a Corey Lidle reference

Bitch looks like she's made of wet clay.

Mine corrects to Shamey Humor

Barbra Streisand is doing this with how Siri pronounces her name

Siri is the only one saying her name.

That's a good thing