r/opieandanthony archeology

47  2016-08-23 by booderdooders

I found a way to search a subreddit between two dates. I looked back to the very beginnings of r/opieandanthony, and these are my findings:

The first post ever Apr 2011

The first post by our creator, the father u/mitchumm Jun 2011

The first Chippah Jan 2012

The first Opie hate thread May 2012

The second Chippah May 2012

The first thread by u/opiesucks. Truly ahead of his time. Jul 2012

The day our creator abandoned us: the last post by u/mitchumm Jul 2012

The first Opie has tits thread Jan 2013

After that it becomes basically the sub we know today. Highly active, dramatic, gossipy, vitriolic. But there was a more innocent time, when we were but infants exploring our new home.

And all these moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.


r/opieandanthony proudly founded April 2011, your source for Hate since 2013.

The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long - and you have burned so very, very brightly, Faggots.


On the first Opie hate thread "[deleted] • 1565d, 17h You sound nuts, I can't imagine disliking any of the three of the hosts this much and still listening."

That's pretty fucking funny, considering that was 2012 and with where we're at with all three of them now.

I'm ashamed to see myself defending opie in that first hate thread. Truly embarrassing.

This is great, I was actually just searching back for Opie hate threads to get me ready for bed.

The is first class work sir - a scholar among scoundrels.

I'm gonna go full faggot on this one. Thanks man that was really cool and fun to read

From The first Opie hate thread May 2012:

I have to say that even as a die hard opie fan

/u/zenlogick comment?

I love this trend of digging up old comments and making these fellas accountable.

I'm gonna nail this fucker to the wall

Holy shit I created the first Opie hate thread. So dope.

Where did you get your degree in O&Archeology because you obviously only majored in the Opie-hate era with a minor in Chippah(tho he got a major peckah tsss). I don't doubt your expertise, but you just can't talk about O&A history without the Ant-hate era.

The first thread by /u/ant_sucks. Truly ahead of his time Apr 2015

cbanks breaks the Sue Lightning story March 2016

First "Tranthony" thread Later that day

"I don't think it will take a year"

Certainly didn't

I love how somebody filed a copyright complaint on "My Dick's All Shitty".

That first opie thread was spot on

wow, that first Opie hate thread was way before its time

/u/99ovr killin it for us today!

What happened to mitchumm?

He just in modded himself didn't say anything and I became HNIC.

Before this place turned to shit he was the only mod and he told me he works on Boats and is gone for months at a time. So he made me a mod then I handpicked the others and here we are.

Why the fuck did I buy a dog? Working on boats for months at a time sounds pretty awesome at this point in my life.

Where are all these people now? I don't see any of them posting here

They got the help and relief they needed and walked away from this hellhole.

When is the scrawny queen and his fat sidekick coming by to go picking?

I'm happy the sub has become more of a pool of hate. It used to be more like /r/classicOandA, and you can see how that ghost town turned out.