This guy is a faggot.

11  2016-08-23 by ChaunceHayden


He's given up this sub for the fast life of /r/relationship_advice and /r/watchpeopledie

Maybe I lost my perspective, but O&A sub seems normal and fun while these two seem pathetic and offensive. Seriously, why reddit doesn't ban this shit??

Yeah, nice of you to go digging through my history.

This sub was toxic. Especially for those of us who actually like Opie. So I found other places to spend my time.


This sub was toxic.


Wow. Sure told me. Ruined my day

Don't let words on a screen bring you down. Brighten up your day with some O&J in the morning. Lots of laughs from those crazy old coots.

Takes a lot more than this to bring me down!

If you think so.

Pssh. To be honest I hear harsher insults between my elementary aged kids than what I've heard here.


The only thing toxic here are your hot poz loads, faggot.

Yeah God forbid you don't get another swinging dick in your little circle jerk

My post was waaaaaaaay better than yours.

I gotta rule in favor of /u/Clibanarius, here.

It was quite good

Good for you

I'm Paul R. Nelson.

So I found other places to spend my time.

I hope it's the morgue.

About the 7th time I was told someone hoped I'd die today.

Try being original

Have you thought about taking their advice?

Considered it. Didn't take long to dismiss them ;)

This sub was toxic.

LOL what a pussy. I'm surprised you don't like the direction of the new show, it's geared towards your demographic.

Wow, YOU are surprised?!

Is there anyone in the WORLD that cares what surprises you?

"Dear Diary: I surprised /u/itrits today..."


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And for the record, not everybody who disagrees with you "sucks Opie's cock". Most of the listeners just enjoy the show without having a strong opinion either way about the hosts.

What an asshole.

I don't appreciate your sarcastic tone, mister.

My favorite thing to do whenever an old post is referenced is to go back and see if I participated in it.

Hey guys check out this old dweeby nerdalingus!!!

I love the nostalgia of this comment


Sometimes I look at old posts on here and when I click on the particularly faggy post's authors, it seems none of them post here anymore. The faggy casuals dropped off when the show ended.

/u/Thecardinal74 did the show pass you by?

I thought that guy was cool. /u/Thecardinal74 comment?

He might be. This comment in defense of Opie was particularly sickening, though.

What part?

I think anything other than hating Opie and callinhim every name in the book sickens him.

The "tilling the field" part is the worst imo.

This guy is taking a real smashing. Justified. He keeps coming back for more.

This seems relevant.

I got bored too quick. Can we get the cliff notes?

OP nailed it in 5 words.

EYADA Nigga!!

I like the guy! Seems like good people!

well. this is certainly interesting.

thank you for bringing this up, u/ChaunceHayden. I appreciate being called a "faggot" out of the blue for no reason whatsoever. Especially by a redditor for 2 months, in response to something posted two years ago. I'm not sure why you think my defending Opie is so horrific, but if you had much intelligence at all you would see the comment I posted was concerning more about the ingenuity of poor people and their willingness to use effort to solve problems as opposed to the easier solutions which cost more money. How horrible of me, right? I guess poor people who refuse charity or handouts are just the scum of society. amirite?!?

to /U/really_bog_dummy, I'm not crystal clear on your comment but if you are suggesting you thought I was pretty cool, I thank you for that.

/u/itrits No I listen almost every day. never straight through because of work, but factory in multiple replays throughout the day I catch most of the show. I miss the days of Opie, Ant, and Jimmy and the regular guests. I miss the days where interns got ripped apart or had to do stunts, I miss No Filter Paul shitting in a diaper or Big A getting busted jacking it on cam. But those days are done and I still find listening to Opie and Jim and random comedians better than other stuff on the air. Except during hockey season, when I'm on the NHL channel most of the time.


Sorry there were so many words. I know how much you struggle with them


And for the record, not like I decided I wanted to come back, you guys came knocking on MY door this time


5 hours and that's the best you came up with?

Yes, I sat here for 5 hours and tried to come up with something mean to say to you.

Yay you explained my joke to me!!

that might be true but I wouldn't put it in the category of "interesting"

Very nice callback

That was classic

Why would anyone actually read this wall of text?

LOL I Forgot the demographic of this subreddit. Not only did I use a lot of words, but many had more than one syllable. My bad.

This sub was toxic.


This sub was toxic.

LOL what a pussy. I'm surprised you don't like the direction of the new show, it's geared towards your demographic.

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The only thing toxic here are your hot poz loads, faggot.

I'm Paul R. Nelson.

So I found other places to spend my time.

I hope it's the morgue.