Opie made a joke today, Jim lost it laughing. But not for the reasons a happy Opie thought..

20  2016-08-23 by Mr702law

Here was the exchange:

When talking about a woman from the olympics and whether she's a man or a woman, Dr Steve sort of clarifies she is a legit girl. Jim says ok then

Me: well I feel sorry for the other normal girls who are trying to run track and have to look at this!

Jim: there are a lot of flat chested chicks.

Me: I know. I was trying to pump up the joke...I guess I didn't even get the bronze. .. No podium for the Opester.

Jim loses it laughing. And as you can imagine Opie reveled in making Jim laugh so hard. But I think Jimmy was laughing, not because he thought it was funny, but because it was a Chip joke told seriously.


Opie and Jim are either like two binary stars orbiting each other or two turds swirling down the shitter ... you choose.

the poop one

I concur

The opster really is proud of that one https://youtu.be/BrGUKhmYNq8

Holy shit, Jims reaction made me laugh my ass off. That really is the reaction of a guy who values the humor in getting to see your retarded radio partner embarrass himself by making unfunny dad jokes on an international comedy show while you get to laugh in his face without him understanding why. Also, Sherrod laughing honestly looks like a cartoon rendering of a chubby mentally disabled negro gentleman.

Sherrod really is just a vile racist caricature brought to life

Jesus Christ he uploaded a video of a fucking throwaway line and put his own stupid unremarkable sentence as the title ahahahahaha.

The man is immune to pity and sympathy. What a fucking faggot.

The fact that he turned away is all the body language you need to see he was laughing AT opie, rather than with him. If someone's actually making you laugh, you don't hide your laughter so they can't see.

I swear Sherrod's tongue is getting bigger as he gains more weight.


I like to think Opie finally his his one funny line per year quota.

You know when they happen because Opie points them out and makes a big deal about them, because that's what truly funny people do.

He made a whole video dedicated to it

He is a needy pig and I wish he'd lose his job and lifestyle.

I'm surprised there was not an impromptu "line of the day" at the end

There have been countless times when Opie will trample someone else's joke, and people in the room are laughing at the other joke but he assumes it's at his lame joke, so then he repeats the punchline or does one of his other funny-destroying habits, like rephrasing his "joke" as a question (eg "he looks like a dog!" [laughter] "jimmy, you think he looks like a dog?").

In fact, there have been several times where the person laughing has to specifically indicate what they were laughing at to keep Opie from thinking he was "on a roll". Like Colin will be laughing at a Jimmy line which opie trampled, then as soon as opie starts repeating his trample line again, colin will intentionally address jim to cut him off so he doesn't have to fake laugh at an Opie line

Wish he'd say that before he kicked the stool out from under him

but then he would be dead

You know what? You're exactly right!

I thought it was a decent line by Opie to acknowledge his bomb. Jim has a history of laughing his ass off whenever Opie gets uncomfortable. He laughed for a minute straight when they were listening to the old O&A tapes where Opie was talking about telemarketers and said "So you wanna play mr. telemarketer", and present day Opie got so embarrassed.

"...with the PSYCHO!?"


"You better get used to those chills"

I had no recollection of that douchey Opie moment and thought I'd listened to all the old O and A tape episodes so after reading your comment I had to look it up. it did not disappoint. The whole " do you wanna play Mr. telemarketer?" Line is at around 13:00. I suggest listening to the previous few mins for the build up though. Also Ant's old character "Curseman" makes an appearance somewhere in the final ten mins, which really isn't too horribly douchey, but it does lead to Chip the Curseman calling in at the final 3:00 min mark. Fawkin classic Chipperson https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A6TRWkC-A6M

Hahaha great segment.

this chat is like a bunch of flat earth believers and you are the one person who actually knows the earth is a ball. Opie fans are so vicious and angry and they are probably going to yell at me now.

Opie's tits bar him from making it to the podium. He feels their pain and was expressing his feelings.

Look, I'm not a mammalian expert so I'll just have to take your word for it pal.

I don't even know what that means... it sounds like a blueberries type moment. Opie is so confusing, he doesn't know how to communicate.

Whenever Opie refers to himself as the 'Opester', he's clearly backing off a bomb and trying to sound like he was being ironic from the start, but if he gets any amount of laughter he will take it and run with it, and eventually ruin it.

EDIT: Just watched the video, it's not that bad. Jim is genuinely laughing. Opie does look like he's aged about 20 years since I last looked though.

He's got the body of a fat dude going through chemo and an AIDSy lookin head.

Opie has the physique of a Far Side cartoon. https://imgur.com/a/WNrq9

I have no idea what he was trying to say, so he's making the joke about big boobs knowing most girls on there are flat chested?

Maybe he just likes that Opie's being self-deprecating for once and he doesn't have to walk on those Greggshells.

I actually think it was funny. Opie acknowledging his bad joke for once, and in a funny way. It was kinda refreshing.

Sorry where's my head at... opie is a cunt, sniff, he has breasts, black hole of funny, shock jock

'No podium for the opester' was a pretty good line for opie

you're stretching. the opster DOES come up with some funny shit occasionally. Christ, get ahold of yourself.


What the fuck are you?

Man, just give Opie one....


Who didn't see that creative response coming?

I didn't.

I'm surprised there was not an impromptu "line of the day" at the end

You know when they happen because Opie points them out and makes a big deal about them, because that's what truly funny people do.