THE Single Greatest Moment In SNL History ....

0  2016-08-22 by MilliBotany



This is too smart for todays audience.


It's beauty is it's vastly understated & intricate subtlety.

Wait, wait, what's his last name???

I mean this quite literally: show me the video equivalent of a white person

making comments along the lines of islands tipping over,

not having time to know if the Earth is flat, destroying fast food places, etc.

This is only physically possible by niggers.

For the love of God, someone show me a single video of the equivalent

of whites doing these things ....

The religious retards that think the Earth is only 5,000 years old.
The anti-vaxxers.
Rob Ford.
You making this stupid argument with your stupid format.

I know it sounds cliché, but, hand to God, I absolutely mean this:

I don't hate you, I swear I don't.

I really & truly feel sorry for you, honest to God.

You're not responsible for what you are. You've been brainwashed.

Between having subliminals inserted in frames of "Thundercats" cartoons,

to having God-knows-what additives thrown in your food when you were growing up, to God-knows-what else,

you've been fucked-up from the very beginning.

I'm sure you know that if you say anything from "I love blacks!"

to "Kill all niggers!", the apes will assault you anyway, regardless.

If anything, they'll look at the pro-blacks as easier, less resistant targets.
As prey.

Do I have to point out, as an example, the self-hating dummy that marched against the Klan during their rally in New York City several years ago,

but who was smashed in the face and called "white motherfucker"

by her loving black brethren, while black spectators looked on & giggled?

You keep harping on how Ant says nothing but how whites invented everything, but you, inexplicably, never say how this is F-A-C-T.

So I'll just ask you straight out: if the black "race" isn't non-human,

then how do you reconcile the F-A-C-T that yes,

the white race has invented everything?

As an add-on, would it be fair to say that the Founding Fathers were pretty smart guys? I think that's a fair statement, don't you?

After all, they managed to forge the greatest sovereignty in human history,

that of course being the United States of America,

fueled on pretty much nothing but squirrel meat & whiskey.

So how can those guys who were so right about so many much more complicated things, can be wrong when it came to referring to blacks

as 3/5ths (that's 60%, by the way) human?

And note that it's not 50/50 divided down the middle.

It errs just enough on the human side (10%)

so that the apes can be taught- and have that teaching retained -

simple, rote tasks like, say, picking cotton,

or pushing a broom, or driving a city bus.


Why has the white race invented literally everything

and the blacks literally nothing? And note the use of the word "everything".

Not "a little bit", not "some of", not "about half", not "most of" ....

EVERYTHING. How do we reconcile this fact?


Let's see now ....

Firecrackers, silk, opium, General Tso's Chicken & Bruce Lee.

That about sum it up?

Oh wait, I forgot! The Large Hadron Collider at CERN. That's Chinese, right?


No one invented the wheel. Just as no one "invented" fire.


Jesus, are we gonna harp on that?

It was meant as a expressive device, that's all. A figure of speech.

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