Hey good news guys! Amy is going to be on O&J on tuesday

59  2016-08-22 by Dennyislife

Maybe she'll stop by Anthony if his studio in the city is up & running


Can't wait for Jim to admonish us for not calling in.

Or maybe we do call in

...and ask how Amy can talk about rape and being a victim, considering her history.

Technically, her history suggests that she's a rapist.

In her own words, she slept with a guy that was so drunk he was barely conscious.

dassabesso just getting dudes drunk and fuckin

Dassabesso never doesn't make me giggle

Was there just a bag of flour laying around so she could find her wet spot? Does she carry a 5lb as a purse out to the bar in case she gets lucky or rapey?

considering her history.

It's "HERstory" you misogynistic clod!

Can someone ask her if she thinks patrice o'neal should've been locked up for that statutory bullshit

You made some big waves last time stinks, I think its time for a second go

Or maybe we do call in

You typed this with the diabolical cadence of a movie villain hatching a plan.

Or maybe we don't listen to the show.

But but.. Hate fuel

You listen and post a link if anything interesting happens.


Or maybe we DOOOOO listen to the show.... Wait, am I doing this right?

People will call but they won't get through, and if one does they'll be called a hater and Opie will do his dumb twitter voice.

Oh I love that voice so funny 😂

He really is a master at developing characters. I'm surprised he's never been asked to do voice-over work

Hey Jimmy how is everything bro?

Just livin' the dream 8)

I've still got that picture you sent me.

I use it for " inspiration " from time to time.


It's why I was put on this earth, to inspire others!

What, you never heard his brilliant outtakes from GTA IV?

Actually, it isn't!

The phones are LIT! Erock...what wrong with our phones? Nothings working here with the phones, but I want to stress that the phones are LIT. Everyone wants to chime in their support for you, Amy.

Surely it's because we're all basement-dwelling mouthbreathers who can't get up early, and not because we have jobs and lives that don't align with calling into a stupid radio show at 6am.

I'm usually still up from the night before from playing World of Warcraft but I'm too morbidly obese and have Cheeto dust and Dorito crumbs caked into my neckbeard that I couldn't possibly make it to the phone in time to call Opie and tell him how much he sucks.

The pandering and ass licking will be sickening. They can't talk to her like they used to. She's too important.

The pandering and ass licking will be sickening. They can't talk to her like they used to.

Actually, that is exactly how they used to talk to her.

How badly you think Jim wants to fuck Amy?



Fixed that for you

🐛🍆🐷 Fixed that for you

Yeah right, as of both participants wouldn't want her to wear a strap-on.

Thanks for shitting all over my hard work.

I don't know why I bother, I really don't.

Ah it's okay, chum. We all grow from our mistakes.

Isn't that why we're all here, gang? To grow?

Life's a garden. Have a great day.

From your lips to God's ears.

a snake implies a certain food chain status that doesnt go accurately with Jim.

Yeah I remember when Anthony was still around they would always fawn over her and talk about how hot she is. I didn't understand what they saw even then. There are cute chick's that are thick but she isn't one of them and she more or less boarders on fat anyway.

It's gonna be good hate fuel for the fire


At least she's booked and it's not just them grabbing a guest on their way out, like a camouflaged gecko catching a fly


Do you think Opie will comment on her fame and how she's too big for them when she walks in?

Yah too big to walk through the fawwking door dat pig is so big. Tss tsss.

ME: Faaaaaaaat Aaaaaaaaamy! Where we at with the sniff Metzger? I hear burp he's aaaaaaallllll in with the rape.


my guess is it will sound something like this "AAAAY-MAAAAY what's up Amy?"

[ comedic observation by Amy; she make an allusion to small time shows and the guys in the studio lose it and there's gaffaws all round ]

gonna be HOWLING

I saw Amy + OJ and I got really excited. What a let down.

If the dress don't fit....

It's made from a parachute so I think she's mostly covered

I'm sorry, did you say colored or covered?

ooof ..

I'm a little hard of hearing, there's no need to be rude dear.

Ah sorry knickers. Again, that's knickers.

Cant wait for Jimmy's constant asskissing

Still wasn't good enough to keep his scenes in a 2 hour+ long movie where your funniest actors are an NBA MVP and WWE superstar. Kinda like a Dennis Rodman movie.

no, Norton will do his best to try and take BOTH SIDES into account because ol' norton cant afford to rub his peers the wrong way. he does it with almost EVERY controversial issue , particularly ones that might get him on a shit list in Hollywood. Very disappointing.

Jim needs to start a Kickstarter to fund the amount of chapstick he will need to kiss the entire surface of that ass

Yeah maybe he can take more of my money.

It's clear from reading her book that she has a way of lying and reframing things to paint herself as the victim and hero. Her stealing was a feminist action, taking the first steps to believing that she deserved a good life. Mike Tyson was just an idiot rapist who was just babbling and she put him in his place.

It's possible that over the years Jimmy has never really questioned that. Whoever calls in has got to call her on this stuff.

That's the real gross thing about the Social Justice movement. They all paint themselves as heroes, so anything they do is righteous, and any action taken against them is bigotry.

never realizing that that's actually the very human action of every horrific person in history that they complain about.

Christopher Columbus? Hitler? Genghis Khan?


I don't hate any colored peoples, only their children and women.


Whoever calls in has got to call her on this stuff.

It seems like that person should be you since you're the one who actually read that garbage.

I'm free tomorrow, so I'll do my best to get through. I hope I don't suck.

We believe in you.

come up with a fake question for the phone screener, but nothing *too positive either. than calmly ask her the real question. you can do it.

I was just going to say "I read her book and want to call her out on something. It'll be a good on air fight. Put me on". Are the screeners really that protective?



Sarcasm is hard to detect via text, but...cmon.


Jesus christ quit your groveling




How much do you usually cost?

I guarentee that Opie isn't taking any calls during her shitty segment.

After she stops by Howard's though right?

At least for Erock's sake he won't be the fattest person in the studio.

if The Opster had any fucking balls he would sandbag her with Metzger

You literally wrote what I did...

so I did, so I did.

Great minds...something something something

I'm sick of hearing about this cunt. Stop posting about her, guys.

Yeah we really reached critical levels

Hopefully Sherrod is there.


Wow her career is really in the shitter atm.

Hopefully stern will keep her til 10:15

So and an hour on Howard and a quick 15 on O&J??

I'm calling the hotline.


You forgot to tell us the good news..... Is that bipedal bovine announcing she has Gunt Cancer like Blobbin Quivers got? If Tit's or Glo-Worm had any balls whatsoever they'd have Kurt be third mic tomorrow.....


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Oh, it totally just hit me that they'll probably be talking about this subreddit because of the amazon reviews. I'm a quick one.

I'd listen but I cancelled my SiriusXM subscription because Scott Shannon interviewing a old woman trying to get stray dogs adopted is more interesting.

you can get free one week trials indefinitely

when's the last time she did the show? i don't really follow that mess.

but, i'm gonna guess, the only thing that got her to actually do their show again is her book release and this sub?

She called in from Hawaii in like late June or early July for like an hour. It was gold, Jerry!


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Baba Booey said they don't book Gilbert because they don't have comedians on anymore. That's why Howard interviewed Amy.

respectful calls only guys, lets keep it classy, ok?

Ah it's okay, chum. We all grow from our mistakes.

Isn't that why we're all here, gang? To grow?

Life's a garden. Have a great day.
