Aw Patton Oswalt is still mourning his rotting wife

0  2016-08-22 by DaveNone




Same, family is off limits unless it's fuck head brother Joe


Who cares what your saying?

So family is off limits unless you really hate them? Done! I hope his daughter is raped and dies of aids

Hard to feel too bad for the guy when he's the one who killed her.

They still haven't released the cause of death yet. I wonder if she said the Star Wars prequels weren't that bad so he rolled over on her in her sleep.

Patton's no Vos.

I'm all for the Opie Hate but how could you make fun of a guy for losing his wife.

Opie destroyed a beautiful thing, all hate directed towards him, is earned but poor Patton is like kicking a lil boy when he's down

Jimmy retweeted that. Why the fuck would Norton retweet that?

Wormin around.

Patton never really did anything to us. And he was an O&A fan. But, ok. I get it. L

Why would you try and troll a guy mourning his dead wife?

It's not so clear, he could still be talking about Trump.


So retards are funny, Opie's kids not being his are funny, Leslie Jones being an ape is funny, Anthony beating on a girl is funny and hundreds of other reprehensible things are funny but when it comes to an unfunny fat sitcom actor's wife dying you all suddenly develop a conscience and get some morals?

edit Had to edit so I can bring up all the "Come on man, family is off limits" people......What fucking show did you listen to all those years? Heather Mills miscarriage. Eric Clapton's son falling out of a tall building. Driver of a bus full of retards getting crushed between two buses. Those are just the ones I could think of off the top of my head. You all laughed at that shit over the years so stop trying to pretend you have a heart now.

What a bunch of fags.


Because unlike Opie, Ant and Koko the sensitive gorilla, Patton actually had a slow rise to his mediocre peak and remained a good dude who stuck his guns and kept being a pretty humble dude (even if he can be pretty cucky at times).

I can't imagine how I'd move on if the stupid idiot I love ever kicked the bucket. He's not off limits, but you cant expect to make a joke about it and have everyone on board.

Did Patton ruin your childhood, too?


Can we stop correcting the misspelling of your/you're please? Cuz I always fuck that one up




Salient point.