Schumer completely lied in her book about the Charlie Sheen roast to make herself look like she stuck it to a rapist

166  2016-08-22 by Ant_Sucks

More from Amy's shitty book:

I told Mike Tyson that he had a slutty lower back tattoo on his face. I said, “Men don’t know whether to be scared of it or finish on it.” He heckled me for a minute, shouting high-pitched insults I couldn’t understand, before I improvised a way to stop his interruptions, asking, “Is his interpreter here? Now, that is just not a smart thing to say when you’re twenty feet away from an ear-biting ex-con who was described as making a “comeback” after serving six years in prison for rape. ”

Now watch the actual performance..

He's not trying to interrupt her you idiot. You can see the moment he thinks of the comeback, and he's laughing so hard because he can't wait to say it. She's steamrolling over everybody with her shitty pre written jokes. She bombed, and Tyson had the best sense of humor about himself than anyone there. What a lying thieving cunt.


Another gripping tale of how Amy was the better person yet also the victim.

That's real good dude. I'm stealing that and using it all the time. Fuck this lying cunt. No jokes, I just fucking hate her.

If I had gold, you'd get it.

why not just set fire to $3. at least youd have something to show for it



That's weird because women don't tend to blow things out of proportion

blow things

Them whores do it all the time

Great stuff, Chip.

I know. tss.


Not to be crass but I wish he had bitten her ear off and raped her.

Well, as long as you aren't crass

Yeah that fat worthless bitch steals all of her jokes too.

Easy there, Opie. Save the hate for your hit radio show.

It's pretty racist that she felt threatened in that moment. Tyson couldn't look like he was having a better time.

This is written like it's a biography of a 3rd party she has great admiration for. No one's book about themselves should sound like they're impressed by what they're describing. That's fucking nauseating.

EXACTLY what I was feeling as I read this. An Opiesque "THANK you!" is in order. "Her" writing is like Chip riffin': den i fawkin got everyone laffin wen i told dis realy funny joke dat ill describe verbatim...

If only there were some type of radio show where the disc jockeys say shocking things about people like this. That would be great. They could bring in comedians and just riff and goof on these people who are too big for their britches. A man can dream... a man can dream.

I'd prefer a show about a retarded 50yo man whose transitioning, and a spinless aids patient who is desperate for money.

That sounds like raqio gold

Exactly. Who wants to read this shit? "First I said this hilarious thing, but THEN I said this hilarious thing. Here's some proselytizing no one asked for. But also and then I also said this hilarious thing."

Tyson was innocent.

When asked about the incident years later he replied, "I didn't rape her, but now I wish I did"

Only an innocent man would think that. He did the time, why not commit the crime.

Yeah, if I remember he says in the Tyson documentary that he even had "taken advantage" of women before, but not in the incident that he was arrested for. He's obviously not hesitant about discussing any of the shit he's done in the past, call me a sucker but I'm convinced that he would admit to it at this point if it were actually true.

We're talking about a woman who steals bits, and yet here you are stealing Patrice's bit about Tyson as your own.

It's not an uncommon opinion

So it's just a coincidence huh

Parallel thinking.

Basic physcology is Patrice's bit?

How dumb do you have to be to blatantly lie about an event that people can look up with a four second search on YouTube?

Same kind of dumb that denies ever having someone as a writer for their show, despite him having an emmy

and to put it in writing, and publish it for the world to see.

that's not a post you can just delete.

Patrice had a bit about Tyson saying he wished he actually raped the bitch after he was convicted which signified his innocence. I couldn't agree more.

arggggggg... I can't make it to the end.. fuckin oooooooooooffffff!!!!!!

I've heard this multiple times but watching it is so much worse

Damn. Just watched that whole thing. Mike's for sure innocent


A couple of days after the roast, Steve-O got a message from Jeff Ross saying that Amy feels bad about the Ryan Dunn joke and she's getting death threats online. So Steve-O tweeted his fans to stop sending death threats because she feels bad about the joke. Then a few days later, Amy is going to interviews talking about how she doesn't regret the joke, and acting like a fearless badass. Here's Steve-O interview

He laughs so hard at his jokes haha. Man fuck Amy

Can people stop perpetuating the lie that Mike Tyson raped Desiree Washington. It's pretty clear Mike Tyson got fucked over. Desiree Washington was a lying piece of shit that had a history of claiming to be raped when she wasn't. Tysons lawyer was a joke and his management was not any better. Tyson said he didn't rape her but he's don't alot of awful things in his life so he deserved to be there anyway. Miss Washington was pissed because Mike Tyson fucked her and chucked her. She tried to sell her story to the tabloids before going to the police and her own cousin said she fabricated a story to make money. Amy Shumer just tows the feminist line and regurgitates whatever bullshit she assumes will fit that narrative. Mike Tyson was no angel but he didn't rape miss Washington. And at this point it's pretty clear he's determined to just live a normal laid back life.

If the glove don't fit.. Buy an oven mitt or sumthin t$ssss

I mean, when a guy says flat out to the press that he wished he raped her so that he was going to jail for a reason spells out his innocence to me. Nobody is that forward if they're lying.

She would never do all those fat jokes today, and not just because most of them could be applied to her.

That roast was pretty epic in that it was the first time the general public saw Amy, Patrice, and Jeselnik.

Jeselnik got a show that was canceled, Patrice got a career boost that was cancelled, and Amy flew to super-stardom and eventually threw her head writer under a bus.

Everything blows.

Amy flew to super-stardom and eventually threw her head under a bus.

ahhh just dreaming big boys...dreaming big.

This was back when she was playing her "white" character who's every word was written by Jeselnik.

He's not trying to interrupt her you idiot.

why are you yelling at me?!?

I saw Metzger was a writer on this roast. Apparently he wrote fattys jokes? I always thought the comics on these roasts wrote their own material, but they sure do have a lot of writers credited.

Lol, no way do they write their own jokes. Giraldo, Ross, Patrice, Jeselnik, I'm sure they write almost all of their own jokes. Everyone else has Rich Vos write their jokes and Amy sounded like her jokes came straight from kurt.

Jeselnik wrote roast jokes for a couple years before perofrming at one. Wouldn't be surprised if Amy set was 50% him and 50% kurt

Oh her whole set was written by Jeselnik after they started dating. The popular one that made her famous. I forget what it was named. Slutty McWhore or something.

It's been known that they bring in writers.

He also didn't serve 6 years in prison. He was sentenced to 6 but served 3. Did her publishers fact check this book?

God damn. Three years for something you didn't do and still getting shit over it from a bunch of frumpy ass hoes.

Am I the only one surprised that she hasn't started referring to herself in the third person yet?

She does when announcing her arrival at the buffet, so the staff knows to expedite their output (and to warn other patrons from infringing on her territory).

Her mind at that moment: "I should totally bomb and then keep using that lazy interpreter joke when I'm out of jokes."

She bombed and she knew it

They cut a lot of the roast out.

Those things are pretty heavily edited. She could very well be telling the truth.

The roasts are heavily edited, so might be true.. But is she actually giving herself credit for "improvising" such a basic line?! I'm pretty sure Don Rickles has asked for an interpreter 30 years ago.

He made one joke during her speech. Fucking Patrice spoke up more than him, hell, both of them are convicted rapists. She could have made it about Patrice but her jokes aimed at him are racial, can't have that with her new family-friendly persona.

Though in all seriousness she's not bad in the roast. Got a chuckle or two out of me, at least.

Amy, Patrice and Mike all on that stage. A lot of accused rapists get into comedy I'm realizing.


Amy is at the point now where she is so fat she should be doing Jim Gaffigan's act.

(hoooooooog pockets)

To be fair to piggy cunty flap, they do edit a lot out of those. There's a good chance they had to snip that lispy moon cricket trying to get a retort in.

He didn't heckle her after she made the dumb joke about his tattoo, he just laughed.

If someone has a throwaway twitter account they should point out her lie and see how fast she blocks them and her cunt army attacks. I say throw away twitter account because of course you'll get banned from twitter for attacking her and pointing out what a lying sack of shit she is.

If anyone has a Twitter account that's not a throwaway we need to keep kicking him in the nuts

He probably lacks nuts is the issue

I'm sure Kurt wrote every single one of those jokes.

Jessilnick too

Wonder what she thinks of patrice

Ableist, Racist, Fat Shaming. How could she possibly spin this as a feminist roast set?

And she just gets more worthy of people's disgust. What a completely phony cunt she turned out to be.

Her book is ghostwritten as fuck.

By the ghost of her comedic credibility.

Spit roast this cunt on the beach, at sunset, with an apple in her mouth.

Beautiful haiku, kemosabe

I thought that she got Patrice pretty good and he looked taken aback, which was weird to see.


This should be more publicly acknowledged.

He didn't do six years for rape.

Was 4?

I think it was 3... although we could take 10 seconds to look this up.



Is that really in the book?

Schumer lied - People died

Schumer lied - Twinkies fried



Anyone got the clip of Amy doing her ear bite impression and chewing the mirror off a Buick?

Tyson looks like a very chummy dude here.

Later on she says patrice will lose his foot to diabetes but there really wasn't a joke there. She really does stink

Was 4?

Schumer lied - Twinkies fried

Beautiful haiku, kemosabe