Kurt and Amy have put their differences aside.

149  2016-08-21 by nosplashback


that women is way more attractive than Pig Amy

even though this could be said as a joke, there's a lot of truth in this. A very debatable topic.

and that man is undeniably more handsome than Kurt


This is very true. I remember debating with people back in highschool who said things like "Britney Spears is the hottest chick ever". No, she's cute at best, it's mostly an illusion. If you took any average chick with a decent body, with no major deformities and sunk Hollywood money into her hair/clothing/make-up you could turn a 5/6 into a 10. Amy was a 3/4, and they turned her into a 7, then she turned herself into a 2.

Is he really that ugly? I can never tell. He must be good in bed I guess. Have you seen his girlfriend? Fox.

It's quite easy to pull a decent bird on the condition that you will essentially just pay rent and go on social media cole-rants while she fucks whoever she likes.

Tsss cole rants what is he a fawkin miner or sumpthin tsss

Keren Margolis. Hot blond jewish girl. Super kinky from her podcast.

link to youtube of her going off against the other girl on Race Wars who does news. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8lhIYDvxBs

I think they do have an open relationship, but she talks about having super freaky sex with him like all the time.

Usually those who boast about it aren't having it

Well look I know what you mean; I knew a a kid like that in high school, but I haven't encountered it in my adult life--certainly not from good looking women. And she's actually really passionate about speaking to social issues regarding kink (as is Kurt) "kink shaming"(one might say) so yeah.

What's the point? Well this is why people who listen to Race Wars are defending his involvement and what he's said in the past, though perhaps not what he said here... I think he was off here, but I think this notion of "rape culture" does not come easily to people who are dominant and grow up being taught that they're like vile Tarantino movie rapists or broken women who've internalized abuse in some weird fucked up way. I mean there's all this talk about having gay transgendered black etc. role models, but 20% of society (estimated) is told that sadism/masochism? Nada.

And yeah if you're kinky or black or whatever kind of taboo you give more of a crap about false accusations because they're far more likely both from from third parties and from second parties by like 1000%. People can easily misunderstand viewing from afar and in the unfortunate circumstance that social pressures mount upon your girlfriend she may in fact say something stupid like "Oh I was super drunk, I don't even remember that!" which is really just her trying to get out of having to explain choke #$@ing or why she banged a dude her ex who she's still friends with hates, but... yeah... you're particularly vulnerable to that if your sexuality is codified as somehow associated with rape and shit.

I'm sorry for the long par. I think Metzger is an absolute dumb dumb in how he spoke. I'm just trying to explain what I appreciate about him and why he'd feel as if he had a bone in this stuff -- because that seems to be the big thing, people thinking he was going out of his way to attack and not understanding how it doesn't look like that to him.

Which is not to say it's okay. Ugh. I put way too much honesty and effort into this please don't down vote me... I think he's an asshole sometimes too. I just think he's like one of the only people who speaks for certain folks and I'm worried that he'll become a pariah and unable to speak to the things he gets right.

at least this warthog has fuller lips and a more respectable jawline.

How the fuck do you people find this shit. It's amazing really

family photos


I'll bet she's got some fat tits



If you mean she's fatter than both of those people combined then you are correct.

Nah that's not them dude

I'd look again.

You're lying.

i'm not loiiying

Idiot. That's Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein.

Wow maybe I was wrong about Amy, she's looking good now that she's dropped about fifty pounds. Great picture, Piggy.

Amy is not plus sized guys...
