7 Month ago Kurt aggressively defending Amy Schumer....

43  2016-08-20 by wilfguy13


8:35:00 "Ill never be mad at SJW's again!".

It is rare to see someone eat their words this hard. Boy it is enjoyable...

Nothing makes me happier than watching that Serbian war criminal get taken off his high horse so quickly. It's a thing of beauty.

I love how Bald Opie just gets casually ingrained into anything slightly O&A-related.

He really is the textbook definition of a cuck.

Yeah, except instead of watching a black man fuck his wife he watched SJW's and Miss Piggy fuck his career...

He also watches black men fuck his wife.

I tried watching that kind of porn but they always seem to forget the scene of the husband digging two shallow graves at the end.

I didn't like it at the time, and it's the reason why I don't feel bad for him now.

Well, one of the reasons.

And Jay and Dan were being kids table cowardly cunts here. They should never have allowed this shit to go down on their airwaves. This actually got me off The Bonfire.

The most insidious part; these were marching orders. Notice how he gives the Jew broad a pass. That's no accident; she was the one who immediately back-tracked/cut a deal.

Meanwhile, Pescatelli went and made a stink on Jenny McCarthy's show.

It is nauseating, disgusting, and incredibly sexy that Jenny McCarthy went after The Husky One harder than any other person in the media, and it is absolutely ridiculous that I'm actually looking forward to her going after her again, because I know hardly anybody else will.

Retarded times.

How's it feel fuckface!!!!1ONE

Not so tough now are ya, been mighty fucking quiet too.

4:53 Well, at least Kurt admitted they were all hacks.

Dishonorably discharged from comedy. How does it feel to be a civilian again, Kurt? You're not allowed to talk about comedy anymore, btw.

Eat those words with a fork fucker

so Kurt was one of the writers of the Prince Basketball sketch on Chapelle show? Does anyone know what he wrote on that show?

He's only (un)credited specifically on IMDb for this episode.

but do you know which sketch?

Either Great Moments in Hookup History (Bobby Hutchinson), Real Movies (The Matrix/Pretty Woman), Wu Tang Financial, or Channel 3 News - Jedi Sex Scandal

I got money on "great moments in hook up history" because it is pure rape culture.

"How does that feel fucker"

the guy is a fucking turd, every time somebody argues with him on social media he would say the other person is worse than sjw and feminazi combined, hes very emotional and argues like a woman

the fuck bois that support him are gonna feel real stupid when they find out kuck will turn on them the sec big amy takes him back

Funny how he shits on Kathleen when that was the most egregious of the thefts. The schadenfreude here is palpable...Kurt's a loudmouth cunt.

Did Kurt ever really believe what he was saying here, or was it just a "job security" roadshow?

Is this what the kids consider, lulz?

Bet he regrets that or he was actually defending his plagiarism.

it this shit you fuckers who care about this asshole. FUCK YOU

Everyone here seems to be automatically assuming that Kurt believed we were right but defended Amy anyway. I posit that he and other comics honestly believed that we were full of shit.