Norton has thanked Opie on-stage of every single stand-up special he's done for the past 9 years and Opie has treated him like shit.

0  2016-08-20 by [deleted]

Norton was also loyal to Opie and stayed with him after Ant got fired and Opie thanked him by treating him like a piece of garbage since 2014.

When Norton wanted to get that porn girl in, it probably would've been bad radio, but so what? The point is Opie gets everything he wants, Norton gets nothing he wants. It's not fair- it's The Opie & Jim Show- not the Opie show. And all the executives treat Jimmy like shit, too. Opie wanted to do an afternoon show, and got it. Norton wanted to do a morning show and got yelled at by the guy who runs the channel. Opie also turned Erock and Roland against Jimmy- who also treat him like shit. Was Norton being a bitch by not wanting to book DL? Sure- but imagine if Norton had wanted to book Jason Ellis, or Chaunce Hayden, or Ben- Opie would've shut that down immediately. Norton gets NO RESPECT.

The old cliche about insanity being doing the same thing over again and expecting different results is true- if Norton wants to improve his life and career, he needs to fucking move on from Opie.

STOP CARRYING HIM, JIMMY. YOU'VE DONE ENOUGH. He's given you nothing for years. MOVE ON. Please do a morning show with Sam or sign with Ant or something. You know deep down it's the right thing to do.


/r/OpieandAnthony thread simulator: Autism Edition

hey how did u know i have autism

Norton said it best when Kevin Brennan was on a few months ago. Brennan was doing that schtick about not wanting to do a 50-50 split of the money and that he was the star and Lenny brings nothing to the table. Paraphrasing here but Norton essentially told Brennan to cut the crap, you got good chemistry, and always from day one split the money and control of the show otherwise the power dynamic can get very fucked up later. Colin pretty much said the same thing about the Brennan/Marcus situation on the comedy cellar podcast.

James is a baby who stayed for the money and said time and time again he doesn't want his name on the show. It's his own fault..