So, if a whore wants attention and falsely accuses a guy of rape. She is right by default just because she has a vagina. Wtf Schumer?

20  2016-08-19 by Meetme96

That's pretty scummy. You know those dikey feminist are roaming through here. I feel a shut down coming


One of those slits just replied to me. I don't feel safe here anymore.

Oh, how I would love for them to attempt to "troll" us.

Most of them wouldn't even remember us after the 24 or 48 hour waiting period to post, they'd be on to their next outrage story. They're like dogs, not just in the way they behave, smell, and them being bitches, but in the sense that if you throw something else their way they'll chase after it and forget that they were just sniffing each others asses.

"Well there you go, according to the findings thin men had the most egregious prejudices. I didn't answer because I don't need to distance myself from fat women who get enough shit. But ok I'll disappoint you, I am shockingly one of the 91%. 134 forever dreaming about 112. Cheers."

This comment perfectly represents these vapid fucks. Tries to pull the moral high ground shite with I'm against fat shaming bullshit then immediately contradicts herself to still fish for approval. "I'm a Staunch opponent of shaming fat women...unless you are lumping me in with them, I'm nothing like those big sows"

What a pissy little bitch. Ya'll got last word hahaha

haha everyone downvoted her, thats a bit silly.

She CHOOSES to believe her. That matters more than the truth.

That's fucked up man. I really do feel bad for HIM.

The hilarious thing is who exactly is "her"? The only identification of the accusers that's been given is "they" and "them", and "she", etc. What happens when the story breaks that the UCB counselor is the sister of the girl the "Rapist" had a one nighter with and never called the next day? Stranger things have happened....

Used to be you needed a condom to be safe with some bitch. Now you need a camera. If we ain't recording, we ain't fucking.

Safe sex today also requires you to get signed consent for each type of physical contact and respective duration.

Even then, she always has the option of retroactively withdrawing consent.

Even Patrice said that if a women just thinks 'no', it's rape. Like "I was too scared to say anything while sucking his dick so I did it and swallowed but now, 3 weeks later, I feel differently about it and he raped me".

Patrice knew the struggle. :( rip

I immediately thought of Patrice. He would have taken it personally too

Regardless, in a court of law, you only need a reasonable doubt. If you can show a bitch semi-enjoying herself, or at least not screaming no, you have a better shot at acquittal.

That wouldn't even be enough for some of these cunts. She could say you threatened her off camera. Or maybe she was drunk so therefore no longer accountable for her actions even though a man is always accountable for his actions.

we shouldn't worry about the politics of the actual issue ... we should focus on disgusting and enraging these piggy apologists as much as possible

Crazy thing is they act like nobody has ever been falsely accused.

I know one woman in my life that has been raped (and it was date rape). I myself have been molested by an Aboriginal in the Northern Territory, which wasn't rape, but I digress.

Yet, I was falsely accused of rape in high school (because I fucked a girl with a boyfriend, who claimed I raped her when he found out).

My father was falsely accused of sexually assaulting an employee that wanted his manager job (exonerated in court, but fired from the job).

Finally, an ex-colleague that went over to open a restaurant franchise in Singapore, was gaoled briefly when he consensually fucked a native girl that was working for him. He is Nepalese-Australian, which offended the girl's family, so she lied and said she had said no. Luckily, the fucking had happened in the store's office, so he was released when the company's CCTV footage clearly showed her initiating the fuck.

Point being, anecdotally in my life the ratio of rapes to false accusations is 1:3. Why not believe our experiences ya cunts.

Even if the rate of false accusations was 1 in 100,000, it wouldn't matter. We live in a society with criminal justice for a reason. The whole argument falls apart when applied to any other crime: "Well, false accusations of theft are statistically insignificant, so we can safely assume guilt and forego the whole criminal justice system."

I feel your pain bro. Some whore tried to accuse me also. I'm with what one guy said on one of these threads. "If we aren't taping, we aren't fucking"

Yep. A big fat smelly fingered by a cab driver vagina.

Is that actually true? Heard other's talking about it too.

Say what you will about my ex but at least she could take a punch.

A groovy way to engender a tantrum of cognitive dissonance in those members of the fairer sex who insist women DO NOT LIE ABOUT RAPE is to ask them what should be done if a woman (blameless and honest) accuses them of rape.

That's exactly how it works.

Amy Schumer raped me in the butt.

The thing is, I don't think rape allegations are fabricated that often. But that doesn't matter. Just because allegations are usually true doesn't mean that we can just assume they are and treat the accused appropriately. The whole rule of law is based on not doing that.

I doubt a shut down is coming. Outside of us posting these articles no one knows what the fuck is going on. It would take something on a legitimate journalism site to get them to even notice us and begin thinking about shutting this sub down.

Patrice knew the struggle. :( rip

Regardless, in a court of law, you only need a reasonable doubt. If you can show a bitch semi-enjoying herself, or at least not screaming no, you have a better shot at acquittal.