Can someone brief me on the whole Metzger/Schumer saga? I really have no idea what the fuck is going on.

0  2016-08-19 by boredgeologist

  1. Some irrelevant comedian accused of rape.

2.People start attacking him online.

3.Kurt thinks people should wait for evidence and use police rather than social media (in so many words).

4.People forget about potential rapist, start attacking Kurt instead.

5.People start attacking Amy because she knows Kurt

6.Amy criticizes Kurt because despite her size, she has not actually grown balls.

If this isn't in the dictionary under quintessential SJW bullshit, I don't know what is.


7 u/I_Hate_Knickers gets gold for being a ray of sunshine

That's strange, sir. I don't have any recollection of that at all.

Bobo is/was a mod ask him

I think Kurt Metzger raped Amy Schumer or something.

Remember the plot of King Kong, except imagine Fay Ray pushes Kong off at the end and gives a thumbs up to the biplanes as they fill him with bullets.

Remember the plot of King Kong, except imagine Fay Ray pushes Kong

King Kong? So it was Leslie Jones that Amy threw under the bus?

Amy won't go on Opie's show and he took it personally as he "made her career" and Incited us to troll her Amazon review page for her new book.

also, he is no longer Kurt Metzger refer to him as Amy Schumer's Writer from now on.

This is a bit right?

Picture this Big Amy and Justin Stangle fucking. .

Nah, dude

Amy demanded sex from Kurt so that she would continue using him as a writer. Either Kurt's dick was too small or Amy's pussy was too big and stretched out for her to feel anything so she was dissatisfied with the fucking. She fired him. He went off on a twitter and facebook rant as he is prone to do. She fired back and blasted him on Charlie Rose. She's a fat, unfunny cunt who looks and smells like a wallowing hog and Kurt is a Lebanese looking humorless cuckold who jerks off while he watches his woman get fucked by 5 black guys at a time.

I think that's pretty much the whole saga in a nutshell. Or at least it's my take on it.

Remember the plot of King Kong, except imagine Fay Ray pushes Kong

King Kong? So it was Leslie Jones that Amy threw under the bus?

That's strange, sir. I don't have any recollection of that at all.