Right this second the sub is going through a juicy drama phase with all the writeups we're getting in the press

55  2016-08-19 by Ant_Sucks

Appreciate it, you assholes, because next week you'll be posting about how shit the sub is lately.


23 days until we breach the walls of Fort Stangle

Mr. Party Planner

While Connick had been approached about doing TV before, the timing has never been right, until now. He has partnered with Justin and Eric Stangel, former executive producers of Late Show With David Letterman, spending months priming what he envisions as an hourlong escape for viewers, with unscripted comedy and free-form musical moments provided by his band. “We’re going to jam-pack each and every show,” he says. “It’s going to be a real party.

“Mindy Kaling was on the pilot and talked about singing a Disney song while auditioning for a Broadway show,” he says. “Next thing you know, I accompanied her as she sang it.”

He plans to celebrate real people as well. A segment called “Harry’s Leading Ladies” might feature a woman who has taught second grade for 10 years or a little girl who has sold loads of Girl Scout cookies. In another segment, called “I Got This,” Connick swaps lives with a single mom or a woman working two jobs, sending her out for the day while he cleans the house, makes a birthday cake, does laundry or takes care of whatever else needs to be done.


Ugh, I cannot fucking wait.

Is there any kind of cohesive plan or tactic here? I realize what brigading is btw.

the plan is to let them fail while mocking them for trying

that's cohesive enough for me

Its an airtight strategy

#cutforharry. Post pictures of girls with self-harm marks and say we're doing it for Harry Conick Jr.

You're truly on another level.

You are the fucking man

Do you know where there's a version of that trailer with Pete edited into it?

That's not really the point. It's about improvising ways to fuck with them on social media when the show comes on.

Tricking celebs into retweeting stupid shit, trying to book or cancel guests, etc.

r/jocktober hasn't got much use might be a good place to plan shit

I am so erect right now. This is like the golden age.

We can't keep getting away with this!!!

I doubt we will. Milo probably didn't think he'd get banned off Twitter etc. Let's just enjoy it while we can, go out with a bang. Then make a new sub and carry on being cunts

That's true. We cause more trouble for reddit than its worth. I just hope we go down in flames rather than just a whimper.

Our one advantage is that we are not ideologues. We do it for the fun of it for the most part. Then again so did the Game of trolls subreddit and it's gone. :(

What was the Game of trolls one pal?

It was a subreddit created for the purpose of collecting trolls in one place and playing a game of who could troll the most and giving them points.

It got banned after a while. Google might have more details but it caused a lot of drama with some fake AMAs.

This was 4 years ago when they had a fake AMA from a WWII vet.

Ah ok, if we leave other subs alone we should be ok.


It's pretty fucking good.

The fact that this article was in Parade magazine says everything about how shitty this show will be.

What's wrong with Parade? You making fun of my grandma??

If anything Parade is attempting to sabotage the Connick show by not mentioning even once that the two co-creators are also comedy radio legends

Doesn't surprise me. Parade has always been known for their extremism and slanted views.

Yeah, right.


Buried that cawksukka!

Parade is a publicist paid advertising rag mag. Seriously.

Aye aye sir!

This is making my nipples hard

I really thought the sub was dying. But it keeps finding new life!

It's so strange. Just when I think I have had it with this place and there is nothing left to say, gold falls into our laps. Every single time. It's like O&A and the collective world around them just cannot resist doing hilarious things.

I imagine we have likely contributed to at least a million in ad revenue for all those sites and blogs that feed of our drama.

"Just when I thought I was out... they pulled me right back in!"


A Black (Phillip) Hole.. if you will. Patrice's death really was the beginning of the end.

next week you'll be posting about how shit the sub is lately.

Boy, I sure will miss "LOL OPIE TOLD CHRIS BROWN TO PUNCH RIHANNA!" shitposts.

My name is Jim Norton and I'm an alcoholic.

Goin viral, just a little taste though.

They think they are "destroying a website of hate" what they don't realize is we enjoy the attention and they are stroking our ego to know that we are affecting them so much they have to tell the world about it.


Before I watched this, I would look to see if YouTube had episodes of Chevy Chase's late night show, or Magic Johnson's show.

the sub piggybacks of the hard work of people who made a name and a good living for themselves in showbiz
