Sixth Sense - Shut Down Looming

1  2016-08-19 by FiloBeddoeMIA

Why does it feel like this site is nearing a shut down? I enjoy coming and seeing most of the posts, but this week feels like an Anthony July 2014 Twitter meltdown. Some of the posts have verged on defamation/slander. I hope I'm wrong, but it feels like two weeks from now we'll all be missing this sub.


Just wait until we get the new sub set up in the City, then you will see things turnaround!

Can you even get forum equipment into the city?

I got Keith working on it.

We'll be fine, but /r/baldopie and /r/scorch are the backup subs I'm subscribed to

Hollywood Scorch is PFG to me

you're not alone in feeling that way. We can still meet up in /r/feminism to plug Vos and discuss everything as if nothing has changed.

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They banned me for posting I'd vote for small business owner Ted Sheckler. Those cunts have no sense of humor.

This happens every time we make headlines, were good dude, we haven't said anything really that bad that could get this place shut down.

100% this sub will get shut down, I'm just enjoying the ride with you fellas.

Lets pull a Dave Rabbit and broadcast a new sub from the back of a Vietnamese whore house.

"Smoke grass.."

Go suck an egg. No Vietcong ever shut me down!

I got banned for voting for Paul Hargus...what twats

Joe DeRosa is that you?

oooooohh bitch, i wish you woouuld burn my mothafuckin cloooothes