Double chins, cocksucka!

156  2016-08-19 by buckspudly


She's starting to look like Honey BooBoo's mom.

Sketties n butterrr


Holy fuck thats funny.

It's that mushroom stamp flinch pose.

"All women are beautiful but I'm definitely not plus sized."

Ugh I hate her little mouth with those Bugs Bunny teeth poking out

Bugs Bunny teeth? You think a carrot has ever been in that meathole?

That was the inspiration for Edgars mouf

She's that chick they hire in HR..little chubby, but fun for a few drinks and maybe some fun at her place after Happy Hour, especially if you have any power in the company. But she got promotoed, and the reign of terror starts, and it's now HER company, and she decides the rules - and everything she did, is now forbidden. Prettier than her? Bye bye. Turned her down when she rubbed her boobs all over your arm at the free donuts in the kitchen? Bye bye. Every day, she hauls her ever-widening ass into her kitten covered cubicle, settles into her XXX sized ergonomic office chair, adjusts her folds, and decides who's life is going to be a living hell that day, as she reaches for the first donut.

You just described my last workplace to a T.

She is just so unattractive and unappealing. Her boyfriend, if he is still around and hasn't escaped, must be the greatest actor in the world if he can tell her she is beautiful and sexy with a straight face.

Ugghhh just looking at that makes me want to vomit.

It's the only thing about him that's straight.

When a man has to travel a lot for work, it's not a big deal, because their girlfriends hate sex and they'd rather sit at home watching soap operas.

When a woman has to travel a lot for work, it sucks, because their boyfriends love sex and they'll spend every waking hour trying to get their dicks wet.

Did she just fart?

Someone brought her a salad.

That assistant who bought the salad will never work in show biz ever again!

Amy just denied they were ever her assistant.

I always would butt heads with the salad, because we had such different viewpoints


Ol Chinese phone book face

That is the face anyone makes when they go to eat out her fetid tuna tube.

So you've got Bald Opie, Big Jim... (what else?)

If I were a creative photoshop genius (I'm not) wouldn't it be great to touch up Amy's photos to make her look attractive? "Sexy Amy"

Technology has its limits.

no you're not.



Another entry for Anthony's spank bank.

Damn, you're good. I like how you also were able to zoom it out and change the background.

Some members of this sub have to know who Brendan Schaub is. I totally understand and respect if you dont, but for those who do, he would be the absolute best to pull the bald/fat thing on. The guy spends a grand to dress like a Baby Gap model and he has been clinging to the same Brooklyn Hipster Bullshit hairdo for years now.

He pronounces werewolf as "werewoof" and recognition as "wreck-a-nition" and still gets paid to speak for a living. He uses more dippity doo in his hair than Big Jay and cares more about fashion than Milo Yian-whatever his name is.

He just got fast-tracked to do stand up...for the first The Comedy Store. He thinks he is a legit comedian now as a result and I cant believe that he hasnt been checked at any point.

Somebody at least needs to give him a unibrow or a bald spot and start slipping it in to his social media.

good call, I'm sure someone will get right on that.


He got checked, when Joe Rogan told him he wasn't good enough for the UFC

As for Schaub as a "Fighter", I would introduce his match against Cyborg in Metamoris, his being the 4th most popular guy on his season of TUF, and his continued use of the word "fighter" as his title when he no longer fights.

That said, the one thing that I can give Schaub is that he got in that ring by himself and did the do. I havent and wouldnt....not even gonna lie.

Now, after the Rogan check, the guy has become a successful-ish host of a podcast, a Porsche owner, a shoe collector, an actor, and a stand up comedian. This guy was making 8K to lose in the UFC and went to making 8K a month off of "I crush smokeshow chickenheads" tshirts.

If Schaub was still making 14K per match at the outer fringes of his division, I'd probably root for the guy and admit that he could bring a little humor or charm to The MMA Hour or a similar genre show. But when he is getting polite laughs from the same Comedy Store that exposed Mencia, booed Burr, and made The Amazing Racist piss his own pants.....I cant overlook that as easy as when he dies his hair silver or wears full denim outfits.

My personal dislike for the man aside, he is as conceited a male as I have ever heard and the whole of his worth is wrapped up in his physical appearance. He really is just the best target you can think of in the radio/pod-o-sphere to give the Bald Opie treatment.

OK terrific


she's got more chins that a Chinese phonebook tssssss

That's quite a feat considering the first chin is a witch's chin.

Lady trucker on line 1!

Gross on the outside Grosser on the inside.Lying mound of pigshit........


Her mouth is smaller than that of Opie's.

Maybe smallmouth is a frequent condition among unfunny hacks


has BIG amys mouth evolved more than ours in that its so small meaning it'll soon be gone cause her kind just communicate with their mind and eat through their asshole? she hot too!


I have plowed some 4's in my day but I honestly don't know how anyone can fuck her and be excited about it.

cash and prizes

I never trust anyone who's eyes I can't see.

I hate her pointy unsymmetrical chin.

Ya, better switch to Bud Light.

Slowly turning into Artie Lange

Artie is funnier and sexier.

What a plus-sized, brave bastard.

Would rip her xxl lane Bryant panties and annihilate her sloppy mess of whale cunt

Ugghh.... That is just fucking foul....


"Kibble and bits and bits and bits, Kibble and bits." Is what she is thinking here.

Now thats a face of a suck-pig. Where does the line start?

She looks like Curly from the Three Stooges in drag