The Transformation is Nearly Complete

24  2016-08-19 by mattyp3


How dare you compare piggy mcstinkpuss to a glorious race of aliens who brought Bruce Willis strange.

Man she is a fat digusting slob. Her entire family should be ashamed.If I was related to her I'd kill myself in public.

Opies Newsletter

Let's hope he's related to her then.

She really does look like a garbage bag filled with ground ham.

She's a size 6! She weighs just as much as the Resident Evil girl that starred in that movie. Nice try with the body shaming tho

6! = 720

You probably already knew that, though.

Now that's a pretty good one reddit bot

Be Size 15 -->

1 + 5 = 6 -->

''I'm size 6.''

Amy "Big Arms" Schumer

Amy "Fat Bastard" Schumer

Amy "nigger" Schumer. I'm hammered.

She is a Mondochiwan looking motherfucker

Those arms do look soft and comfy though....

She's not attractive, gang.

She's quite rotund.

Shes looks like a pumpkin in december

To be fair she grades her dress size on a curve.

How do you think those doctors in the cloning lab would have reacted if THAT was the one they created in that tube with the bandage bikini?

they just close the tube back up and fucking disintegrate her.

You slap her shoulder it makes the same sound as when you slap her ass.


Do not associate the best modern scifi movie of all time with her!


"Yeah, we know if we can open up some lanes for Adrian Peterson, he'll run it up and down the field all day. We're just trying to provide him with some daylight, he'll do the rest."

She really is a meat popsicle