Jim just said on his FB livestream that Patton Oswalt DM'd him saying he listens to Chip and Uncle Paul clips to cheer him up.

84  2016-08-18 by [deleted]

Patton's a good boy.


Am I the only faggot that cringes when I see a Patton dead wife joke on here? If I were wearing pearls I would clutch them everytime I see them. Even for this place its so fucking dark. STOP THE MADNESS!


I have no problems joking about it here, but I think tagging him/tweeting at him about it is pretty fucked up.

If he didn't want people to joke about it then he shouldn't have killed his stupid wife

My thoughts exactly.

He made his bed with a dead wife in it, now he can go sleep in it.

I hope you mean the bed and not the wife, I called dibs.



Yeah, that shit is ridiculously fucked up. I found that Ghostbusters tweet really fucking funny, but it shouldn't have been sent to him. Dude just lost his fucking wife.

When I've argued that that wasn't funny, that's really what I meant. The joke is fine, but making sure he sees it is pretty heinous.

Kind of like that one Jocktober where people were mocking one of the radio hosts for having a retarded son. I can't figure out a way to say this without sounding like a faggot, but that shit crossed the line between funny and evil. I ain't saying evil isn't ever funny, but I certainly wouldn't want to try to sleep at night after anonymously mocking a man whose wife just died on the internet.

I certainly wouldn't want to try to sleep at night after anonymously mocking a man whose wife just died on the internet.

Tss.. Was she buried on the internet as well or smth?

Fuckin sentence structah yuma

Yeah man. I enjoy the fucking awful jokes and how nothing is off limits here, but you can tell pattons a good guy and doesn't deserve that shit

What a bunch of turds. All because of Ghostbusters.

"I think it's good and people are being babies."

"YEAH? WELL YOUR WIFE'S DEAD! Lol, totally 'trolled' you."

Patton is a big O&A fan. Remember he said he listened to the entire Joe Piscopo saga on youtube

every time he's been on O&A he's been great too.





Well, shit. Now I will spend my morning listening to the whole thing again.

Such a douchey cornball.

That was possibly top 5 all time greatest radio sagas.

That along with the Tony Danza saga, Scorch, and definitely all of Scott and Todd

Saga! I luh dat band! LUH DAT BAND! - Black Denny

He said he couldn't stop rewatching Yakov Smirnoffs dinner theater bashing


Vegetable Medley

Patton did to his wife what Chip does to jokes.

Buried that cawksaka

Executed her poorly?

He fawkin killed?

Double homicide, bitch!

He fumbled her?

He tells her to his friends?

Make me laugh?


You set em up we knock em down fawk yea

She also had an abortion that cost $200,000 and nobody got any perks out of it?

Patton was in on a good bit where they were coming up with a serious political movie idea but in every scene there just happened to be hardcore gay sex. He can roll with jokes about "SJW" hot button topics without getting the vapours, even though he's often aligned with that crowd. That alone should even out his murderous tendencies.

That Patton really walks between the raindrops with both politics and the law.

was this the one w/ Nick Swardson?

I forget who specifically posted it here, but whoever linked to the Eagle's "Get Over It" the day of his wife's passing was one of the hardest this sub has made me laugh.

That was Jim lol.

Patton... What is he? Like a group of recurring shapes or numbers or sumpthin?


Uncle Paul also has a dead wife. There was an insurance settlement.

Heart She Holler is pure gold.

tss tss why not Eisenhower Oswalt or summtin. i dunno im just riffen here

Patton also retweeted Nick Mullen's bitching about some fag writing an article to specifically harass Kurt Metzger's girlfriend. Which suggests Patton is on Kurt's side by extension. A good man.

this proves he as gone mad and killed is wife..

I used 2, 2...


I bet watches the wife killing shows on the ID channel as he counts the money from the insurance settlement.

Very nice to hear that.


Such a douchey cornball.