I mean... I like Opie...but what's he doing?

24  2016-08-18 by [deleted]


This whole thing is moving a little too quickly for me. Im starting to really question my values, I never signed up to be a god damn literal terrorist.

I'm not a huge fan of the other races, but actual race war?

I have nothing but loyalty and love for the Opester, but my fear is that we'll lose to the blacks with their natural fighting ability and widespread obesity.

and their statistical likeliness to riot

You say whilst shaking your head sagely


Fawk yeah home run

Did you shake your head sagely as you said this

perhaps you shook your head sagely while saying this?

Just stop talking about it.

Yes, Opie is racist. Not much anyone can do but distance themselves from him.

Unsubscribe from his newsletter and move on.

But can I still get his hand made 'zine?

Oh God. Is he still making that?

I know there's that biker/white power bar in Staten Island that he used to hang out at. He would often give them his pamphlets and zines there. I heard it was kind of the place to get the "Real Opie".

It's creepy to think he's such a strong supporter of the Neo Nazi movement behind closed doors. He should man-up and tell his radio audience what he's really all about. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. It's time for this scumbag to be exposed.

No journalist would be brave enough to do that!

This Tunisian Knife fighter

I love Colin

Hopefully choking to death before he causes more violence by his white power buddies.

Fawk yeah home run