Can someone PM me the site where Opie posted instructions for the Leslie Jones twitter attack? It's not on SiriusXM's website anymore.

202  2016-08-18 by [deleted]

Thanks, I'd really appreciate it. I need the one for the Operation Harambe. I think this'll be perfect for phase 2 of the Amy attack.

Edit: Thanks, guys, got it.

Edit 2: Guys, delete the links.



I'd like to apologize to everyone.

Don't fuck this up dude


I know what onions are, dipshit.


You'll have to go to Stormfront for it. Opie is a moderator there, so just pm user DeadNiggerStorageGuy, which is his handle there.


Can't find Opie's gorilla meme page. PM me?


I can't find the link to the video of Opie stomping a homeless man's cake. Reply me?

haha fuck yes I love our hero Opie!!

Opie's senseless cruelty towards a homeless man is so fucking cool! I can't wait for his afternoon show 5 days a week!

Hahaha he changed the title of the video.

And he disabled comments and thumbs down.

To keep the h8rs away !

LMFAO! This video will never get old, brother man! I still have my "TREAT YOURSELF!" shirt with that fucking homeless idiot's face crying! Haha, classic clip thanks for the nostalgia. Opie 4 LIFE

Opie truly is a tremendous organizer. I'm surprised he finds time to lead these hate campaigns being a successful radio host and a father of two. Praise Opie!

Loose lips sink fat ugly cunt ships

DUDE stop it. We have outside bloggers trolling this place. You're going to get Opie in trouble.

Jesus what the fuck is the matter with you people?

The first rule of Project Opie is, follow @Opieradio on twitter.

I got links pulled from the OpIRC chat if those are the newest.

I'll hook you up brotha man

Ah shit, thought I had it bookmarked. Can someone pm me the link?

EDIT: Got it, thanks gang!


FYI guys he just changed the password, check your inbox.

You can find it on

He's way worse than Opie

Operation Black Harambe Down

Didn't listen this morning what the fuck is happening

I was going to send you to a lemon party link but it has been replaced with a cam whore.

Now I don't even have the energy to rick roll you. The internet is moving on and I feel so old. I've been pwned and all my base are belong to you.

Yo, delete ALL evidence of Opie orchestrating the Leslie Jones attack.

I just got an email from Gregg's lawyer saying I breached the terms of the newsletter agreement. Fuck.

Just delete it all.



Holy fuck, people's dedication to this bit is Godly. Its like Opie always said: "Nigger."

It's after the section where he told us to mock /r/short and their tiny legs.

Edit: be careful what you reveal on here, just got a warning from the modz.










Thanks got it! You should delete that link now.

