Amy's show has been cancelled for tHE FORSEEABLE FUTURE YEEEEEESSSSS

64  2016-08-18 by Jackthejew


Here's what really happened: she realized without Kurt she has no show. As much as a bumbling emotional bitch he is, he's actually funny and is capable of writing funny things (except online, for some reason.)

Here's how the whole thing went down: she says Kurt is not a writer on her show, people point out he was a major contributor and was at the Emmys, she says that what she meant was there's no show anymore, people point out it was renewed, she says what she meant was there is another season but sometime in the future or maybe never.

We got a real rope-a-dope on our hands here. Mother of Christ I hope she gets breast cancer.


Like all kikes are, as Opie used to say.

What do you mean used to?

When he was on terrestrial radio and had access to tens of millions of potential listeners Opie used to cultivate a series of acronyms like WoW, which is short for Wipe'em out Wednesday's (in reference to Israel). These days he's much more free on satellite radio to just say what he means about Jews without couching it in secret verbiage, though he has practically no listeners anymore except us hardcore superfans so people forget what a huge anti Semite he is.

I'm guessing her entire day so far has been with lawyers trying to find a way out of this mess she's created. Wouldn't be shocked if Comedy Central is threatening breach of contract, etc. The show gave them high advertising revenue, they aren't going to let that go if they already renewed it for another season earlier this year.

She really fucked this one up.

if she gets breast cancer that would be torturous for us. imagine all the articles praising her bravery

I'll take that trade breh

Or she's offered a lot of movies and doesn't have time for her basic cable sketch show anymore

Unlikely, Comedy Central is desperate for another Chappelle's Show and had to slog through the Swamp of Mencia to find something that somehow clicked. They would have likely offered her more money than her entire tour to keep it going. "Basic cable" isn't a derogatory term, a similar organization was giving someone like Charlie Sheen over a million dollars an episode for Two and a Half Men (20+ episodes a season.) They have money to throw around and Schumer isn't some A List star and probably won't ever be. I think the real story here is she doesn't have any good ideas for it anymore and this sudden thing with Kurt has her scrambling in such a way that entertainment news sites are reporting on it.

Then the real story is no writer would work with her. Daniel Tosh wouldn't cancel Tosh.0 if his head writer was fired, he'd have 100 writers begging to be on a high profile show.

Is that still going

Oh okay

I feel dirty now.

It's you basic goal post motion manoeuvre, except she managed an own goal.

HEADLINE: "Fading Star fucks up on social media and inadvertently cancels her own show"

They can't have that kind of language on a headline Mr. Crass!

Only this delusional cunt would spin this as her decision when it's clearly the ratings that put an end to her show.

slated for March

Is this happening during the winter?

Big Amy has to focus more on writing for the next season now that her thievery has been exposed. It's much easier to crank out episodes when she's stealing stuff from other shows and comedians.

What a way to turn her back on the dozens of writers and other people on the set who make a living doing shows like this. Got renewed a few months ago and they had a job, and then she decided that she wanted to further her career elsewhere, and adios.

It's good to see she's working on actually standing up, must be tough adapting to a plus-sized lifestyle.

They need to build up a few years of other sketch shows sketches to rip off before they come back.

They should do a word for word reimagining of every Chapelle Show.

She's going on a buffet tour writing unfunny Yelp reviews.

I told you guys she had peaked and was on the way down. Ok, everybody else realized it too.

Nah, something tells me Amy can only get bigger from here on out


what a week

Wasn't she supposed to take a polygraph test regarding joke theft on the next season of her show?

No this one. She promised then surprisingly never brought it up again.

Whose writing is she copying? Yep...I was thinking of going here to ask about the sudden disappearance of the Gun Show sketch she stole from the internet (I think BBC or Madtv did it first)

This sub cracks me up.

I wonder has she made some serious money after selling her soul, and I really do hope that this whole SJW thing is just an angle to make money and get fame.

Translation: She is so fat, it's going to take her a year to focus on standing up. BaZing.

Unlikely, Comedy Central is desperate for another Chappelle's Show and had to slog through the Swamp of Mencia to find something that somehow clicked. They would have likely offered her more money than her entire tour to keep it going. "Basic cable" isn't a derogatory term, a similar organization was giving someone like Charlie Sheen over a million dollars an episode for Two and a Half Men (20+ episodes a season.) They have money to throw around and Schumer isn't some A List star and probably won't ever be. I think the real story here is she doesn't have any good ideas for it anymore and this sudden thing with Kurt has her scrambling in such a way that entertainment news sites are reporting on it.

Is this happening during the winter?