13 Ways Amy Schumer Makes Us Proud To Be Women

0  2016-08-18 by mlovelam


Her actions are anti-woman all the way.

  • The primary victim of her shoplifting are the female employees who lose out on commissions and the female customers who now have to spend 10% more on that dress because the company is recouping losses from the ones that were stolen. When she shoplifted, low income women got fucked over.

  • When she stole jokes, she mostly stole them from women.

  • When she promotes alcohol it's mostly women that are affected. Alcohol interacts with estrogen in such a way that makes women 50% more likely to get breast cancer from one drink a day, and that risk goes up when they drink more. Promoting alcohol hurts women, especially vulnerable ones who are on the fence about quitting. Amy provides them with a "role model" to emulate so they keep drinking and partaying well into their 30s...WOOOHOOOOO. Once again, women get hurt.


she stole some of her jokes from a dead misogynist

this is the problem generally with women ... they have such low standards and expectations for themselves that this unremarkable pig is somehow a person to idolize

Grody, gag me with a spewn.

They are really trying to make these airhead clichés sound deep. Her lifeless, sociopathic eyes staring out from behind each quote do not help matters.

"...If a guy got up on stage and pulled his dick out, everybody would say 'he's a thinker.'" Yuck.. she shouldn't be allowed to attempt any critical thinking/analysis anymore because of this. Good god Amy.. please just plagiarize something next time.

Shit like that is gonna be embarrassing for her to read for her later in life, well, she'll be a rich reclusive crazy millionaire then, so it won't matter.