Breaking my silence (@JoeListComedy)! Screenshotted all of the nasty interactions between my girlfriend (@stollemache) and @KurtMetzger. Finally, a damning testimony!

1  2016-08-18 by JoeList

These are imgur links, screenshots from my girlfriend's smartphone.

He starts off casual

Kurt gets his "friends" involved..

He forced my girlfriend to take and send him this photo

Finally, the most damning evidence

The whole ordeal was humiliating. I'm open to interviews. Thank you for your valuable time. Also peckahs


SIR! i am at work

Workin' hard or hardly workin'? You gettin' paid by the hour, boss? Nother day at the office, get your lunch pale out


As far as we know, this wasn't Opie. However, he's been extremely unkind and misogynistic to my girlfriend Sarah (@stollemache) when she was at SiriusXM for a different show. One time called her a "goddamn rich cunt", I didn't understand it in context.

You betta watch out with that Opie Joseph.. He's tryin to steal your man away from you. The way he talks to Mark makes it obvious that he doesn't respect your relationship. I'm sorry grrl :(

Someone who commented is shadowbanned.

No, I see what hes said. Earlier there was 1 comment listed, but none appeared. Now 4/4 appear. Maybe the shadowbanned guy deleted it.

I had the same thing, I assumed it was him. I reloaded the page twice with an invisible comment and on the third time there was one comment and it was NumeroOtto.


How do I know you didn't use that app that fakes text conversations?