Oh shit! Opie took credit finally!

55  2016-08-18 by cbanks420iol



Thank god you screenshot it before this titted buffoon got away with this injustice.

Guys we got to be smarter. Dont post this shit here. Post it in that other place.


Its probably too late. But we got to stay organized and address future events in a more secure manner.

Remember to use the IRC when in doubt.

Yep, I saw it too but it's gone.


Exactly, we don't want to give these fat rapebeggers any ammunition here to sully the favor of Opie's reputation. He's a good person and he does a good show, you can't expect a pussyhole to appreciate art. I think this could be the last one, boys. The final solution... See you on the other side.

Rapebeggars, wow.

I don't think any woman is begging for rape, YOU BASEMENT-DWELLING NECKBEARD VIRGIN MORONS! Making false rape allegations is just a cool way to spend a weekend!

I just want to say here, I heard what Opie said today, but I am not one of the people that followed him. I think it's funny to joke around, but a shock jock ordering his fans to downvote Amy Schumer is going way too far in my opinion.

It really is disgusting. These trolls are messing with her livelihood at this point. Reading those Amazon reviews and boy, does one "Steve Carlise" seem to have it out for her, this fella is everywhere in those reviews...

Fuck you cuck pussy! #OpieRules

"You say Hog shit to people, dude."

well i got the order and executed my attack with great precision. the pig needed to be spanked never go against opie the destroyer period

metzgers got one supporter at least

I actually agree with this and have thought this a few times since Amy got fairly popular. Just for shits and giggles i would love to see where Amy is if she never told the story of when her pussy was hungry and it snacked on some NYC cabbie fingers. If OnA and its fanbase didn't significantly help her rise then it was an awfully big coincidence.


Can someone post this in GamerGhazi? I really don't want this fucking piece of shit getting away with this. First the stomping on a homeless mans cake, then this?


That's pretty brave of Opie to say such things. Does he not realize she could stomp him like an old cake?
