Has Opie ever really made you laugh, even once?

1  2016-08-18 by Martillo_Valentine

My favorite thing opie has ever said was when a caller brought up the idea of them doing 'traveling virus' shows again. He responded with: "whhhyyyy??? muttters under his breath... Half of our guys are dead".


When he got us all to try to take down Amy Schumer, I thought that was funny. Sometimes the things he says about jews and women (or holes, as he calls them) make me laugh. The stuff he did with abusing homeless people made me fucking howl.

There was that time he tried to start a thing by referring to taking a shit as "droppin' hammers." It's so fucking dumb. It's just a confusing nonsense statement that's not funny, and I thought it was embarrassing he was trying to coin a phrase. But I'd keep thinking about him coming up with it, imagining the lightbulb going off in his head the first time the words "droppin' hammers" came to him mid-dump. Imagining him adding "Droppin' Hammers" coffee mugs to his cafepress store with a retarded grin on his face and dollar signs in his eyes. That made me laugh, and it got funnier the more I imagined it, and eventually when I had to take a shit the phrase would pop into my head, and the more I turned it over in my mind the funnier it got.

Now, the phrase "Droppin' hammers" makes me laugh. I can't help it. It will be carved into the support beams I use for my noose one day.

Gregg is hilarious but not in the way he would ever want to be considered so. Theres so much that can crack you up in the life and times of gregg hughes if you just picture what happened. Something as simple as someone making an opielines twitter account and him getting all excited like finally he has found his groove and people do actually appreciate him. But then over several weeks realizing that whomever is just taking the piss out of him and at some point has to click unfollow admitting that it hurt is feelings.

Opie was essential to the show because he was a constant lolcow who tripped into making the conversation awkward and weird, he slowed everything down so the hosts would have to learn to refine their way of speaking and explaining and make jokes more clear, or give them time to riff more. Or to give an opinion that sets the other 2 off. He was always saying and doing weird shit that would spark odd conversations for the funny people to be funny with. Other than that he was like Fez constantly walking into a wall, while they rarely bashed him outright he always indirectly delivered laughs like a useful idiot.

Mate, I just read your whole comment and I'm not sure if you are agreeing with me or not. So if you could clarify I would be able to give you the appropriate up/down vote.

I'm agreeing with you, now kiss me

He made me laugh when he did some mean shit. Or set someone up to be abused. Or had a mental breakdown about the Bam Margera fucktape. But not with jokes, no.

Or had a mental breakdown. Link to episode and timestamp?

I'm not your fucking secretary.

hey hey hey, easy pal. Be open and kind to our new visitors here from other subs. refugees welcome, remember that

When he cried.

His swamp ass line watching the nambla documentary. thats what turned me on to listening to the show..

"Brutal caller hangup". That's it. That's the only one he's got.

Me - gulp into the mic, pause for effect, let the voice crack.. that's how you do radio.. nice

Just let the real moments happen man

I like how everyone in the room was waiting for Opie to take on the topic and really handle it well but then he suddenly starts fucking crying.........

real moment dude

I laugh at him but not with him

Me - gulp into the mic, pause for effect, let the voice crack.. that's how you do radio.. nice

I like how everyone in the room was waiting for Opie to take on the topic and really handle it well but then he suddenly starts fucking crying.........